Tag: plantbased


What Makes Plant-Based Foods “Healthier”? Second Part of the Investigation

There is often confusion about plant-based nutrition and what scientific results tell us and how…

The food sector puts a stop to ‘plant-based’ products

They adopt names like 'MerlVuza', 'vegan salmon', 'vegetarian tuna', 'Chick*n', 'vegan burger'... and have become…

Hot, advice from the Plant-based Products Group of Unione Italiana Food

The heat has arrived and with it the inevitable advice from experts to drink more…

Does the WHO really say that plant-based drinks are dangerous? | Nourish with science

In recent weeks, there have been news reports that “WHO warns of the risks of…

Does the WHO really say that plant-based drinks are dangerous? | Nourish with science

In recent weeks, there have been news reports that “WHO warns of the risks of…

The ‘black legend’ that harms milk and boosts plant-based drinks

Are we the only mammals that continue to drink milk after breastfeeding? “Yes, but we…

Plant-based Meatballs Market Size & Share

Plant-based meatballs market size Plant-based Meatballs The market size has been valued at USD 137.5…

World Environment Day: Plant-based diet, key to mitigating the degradation of the planet

The planet faces an unprecedented environmental crisis, the way we eat increasingly demands increased demand…

Towards a plant-based diet, prevention objectives for salt, sugars and saturated fats

Ten years after the last edition and a work lasting four years, the Italian Society…