The proteins They are one of the 3 macronutrients, along with carbohydrates and fats, that provide energy and essential nutrients to our body.

A vegetarian, vegan or less meat-free dietcan also be perfectly rich in these large and complete molecules, essential for the proper functioning of all cells.

The key then is choose plant protein sourcesthat’s why here we point out what the 10 essential superfoods for a meat-free diet. Find out.

What plant protein replaces meat?

Proteins are large and complex molecules and they are essential nutrients for the proper functioning of all cells. Besides, They collaborate in the formation and repair of skin tissuesorgans, muscles and bones, and are involved in the production of antibodies that help strengthen the immune system.

Although meat is the most important source of protein, In the plant kingdom there are numerous foods that provide very valuable and powerful amounts of protein.. The key then is that you create a balanced and varied vegetarian or vegan diet that concentrates all the essential nutrients that the body needs.

Therefore, here we point out a selection of 10 foods fundamentals to replace meat with vegetable proteins:

1. Brown rice, more nutritious than the “white” option

Brown rice, also called cargo rice, brown rice or brown rice, as it is not refined, preserves the outer layer of the grain formed by cellulose (vegetable fiber) and Provides more protein, vitamins and minerals than white rice.

It is suggested combine brown rice with legumes, red fruits and seeds to take advantage of its protein value.

Protein amount: are found 2.6g for every 100 g of brown rice, long grain, cooked.

2. Lupins, the legume chosen by the Spanish

The lupins They are one of the legumes most chosen by the Spanish Due to their stupendous richness in protein, in fact at some point they were called “the meat of the poor.”

But lupine beans are also an ally against bad cholesterol and diabetes and they give satiety due to their contribution in vegetable fibers

Protein amount: they contribute 36g every 100 g of lupine beans.

3. Peanut, protein snack

It is one of the most consumed nuts due to its concentration in vegetable proteins. Although you should eat in moderation, since 100 g provides 567 calories, a good option is to consume cooked pasta that has only 130 calories in the same weight.

Protein amount: offer 26g every 100 g of peanuts.

4. Mushrooms, like meat…

Mushrooms are native to Europe and America. They represent a great source of vitamins from group B and D, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and iron, among others.

The protein advantage of these mushrooms over other foods is that, just like meat, has a complete aminogramthat is, it concentrates all the essential amino acids that our body needs to build muscle mass and renew tissues, among other functions.

Protein amount: They contribute between 3 and 4.25 g every 100 grams of mushrooms.

5. Spirulina, “the protein of the sea”

This blue-green single-celled microalgae is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is also called “the protein of the sea” because provides 3 times more of this nutrient compared to chicken. In turn, spirulina is recognized as a good source of vitamin B12: a weak point in any vegan diet.

Protein amount: concentrate 57g every 100 grams of spirulina.

6. Chickpeas, against constipation

The chickpeas They provide essential amino acids and fiber. The latter gives chickpeas the therapeutic effect of promoting intestinal transit and preventing constipation.

In this sense, to improve your digestion Soak them the night before and then boil them with a bay leaf.

Protein amount: concentrate 19g every 100 grams of chickpeas.

7. Peas, a 100% complete protein

These legumes They stand out for their high protein value and low calorie intake.: They concentrate 80 kcal in 100 g, less than meat and some fish.

Additionally, peas contain 3.5 g of fiber per servingso they are recommended to lose weight, promote intestinal transit and generate a feeling of satiety.

Protein amount: concentrate 22g for every 30 g serving of peas.

8. Quinoa, a pseudocereal suitable for diabetics and celiacs

This pseudocereal has all the essential amino acids, which is why it is also classified as a complete protein. In this sense, it is estimated that almost 13% of the weight of quinoa is proteinwhich means that it concentrates almost twice as much as rice.

Furthermore, it is rich in fiber and has a low glycemic index (GI). This means that it promotes the slow absorption of the sugars and carbohydrates it contains.

On the other hand, quinoa is a good source of minerals (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper and potassium) and vitamins (especially B2 and B3). As if that were not enough, it is a food suitable for celiacs, since it does not contain gluten.

Protein amount: contributes 14g for every 100 g of quinoa.

9. Lentils, chosen by vegans and vegetarians

Lentils are one of the favorite dishes of vegetarians and vegans, due to their high concentration of minerals, mainly ironbut also in a variety of vitamins, proteins and because they are low in fat.

Keep in mind that nutritionists They advise accompanying them with cereals such as riceto complete its value in vegetable proteins.

Protein amount: contributes 9g for every 100 g of lentils.

10. Soy, the vegetable “meat”

Soy is a oily legume and very versatile to make everything from soy milk to soy burgers.

Soybeans stand out for their contribution in unsaturated fats and its wealth in proteins. For example, a daily glass of a soy drink provides about 6.2 g of vegetable protein.

Protein amount: contributes 36g for every 100 g of soybeans especially.

What is the vegetable that has the most protein?

Among the 10 foods mentioned richest in protein, peas They top the list of vegetables with the highest concentration of this macronutrient. They provide 22 grams per 100 grams of product, so It is considered a super-protein vegetable – due to its green color..

In other words, it is considered that pea protein is completewhich means that brings together the 9 essential amino acids. However, due to their low concentration of methionine, you may have to compensate for this deficiency by combining them with other legumes, brown rice and nuts.

In this sense, it is highlighted that peas are rich in arginine, a type of amino acid super beneficial for muscle development. Likewise, studies suggest that this substance helps reduce stress levels induced by exercise.

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Guiomar Rovelló

How can I get protein without eating meat?

Chicken, pork, beef and lamb provide between 15% and 20% proteintherefore, are essential macromolecules for the body to function correctly.

That said, a vegan or vegetarian diet tIt has to be very strict and controlled regarding the nutrients that need to be incorporated and the foods that provide them.

In this sense, proteins of animal origin are not easy to cover, but it is not an impossible mission either. You can achieve it if you put your mind to it, since There are vegetable proteins that concentrate all the essential amino acids and are therefore classified as complete proteins.

Yes, you must pay close attention when putting together your menu regarding the quantities you require and in what foods you find the higher protein concentrationin order to successfully replace meat in your diet and not suffer from its deficiency.

Next, we list the super-protein food groups:

  • Nuts and seeds pumpkin, pistachios, sunflower, chia, flax, etc. They provide between 4-10 g of protein per serving.
  • Beans and legumes such as black beans, white beans, lentils, chickpeas, hummus and peas. They concentrate between 7 and 10 g of protein per serving.
  • Grain such as brown rice, oats, millet, quinoa and barley. There are about 5-8 g of protein per serving.
  • Vegetable proteins are also found in fruits and vegetables (avocado, green leafy vegetables, broccoli), dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese) and eggs.