Spring brings with it longer days and the enthusiasm and energy of sunlight, but, for many people, its arrival is also associated with tiredness, drowsiness and fatigue. Seasonal changes, in fact, represent a source of stress for our body, which requires nutrients and adequate support to face these transitions.

In this regard, the experts of Naturalsalus, the start-up of the IMO Spa group which owns the exclusive Bioenergetic Extraction patent, provide us with important advice to face the challenges of the change of season and illustrate the properties of the active plant ingredients with antioxidant, anti-aging action. , purifying, important natural remedies to strengthen the immune system. Today.it colleagues talk about it in an article on the topic.

Why do we feel tired in spring?

With the arrival of spring, many people tend to feel tired, without strength, drowsy, with mood swings and lack of concentration. A very common situation called “spring sickness”, or spring tiredness, is caused by the fact that our body is unable to gradually prepare for the change of season, longer days and summer time.

Even if it represents a temporary ailment, spring tiredness can worsen the quality of life and make it difficult to carry out normal activities. In the absence of specific health problems, spring tiredness is mainly due to the climatic changes of the change of season, which affect the body. For example, so-called ‘meteoropathic’ people are more affected by the sudden changes in temperature that characterize seasonal changes, for which the body is unprepared, experiencing disturbances that can interfere with their habits and the normal performance of daily activities.

Why potassium is good for you and how to take it

To combat spring tiredness it is possible to use natural remedies and food supplements that help our body cope with this period. For example, supplements based on amino acids (but also creatine, carnitine or glutathione), vitamins and mineral salts, but also natural remedies such as ginseng, eleutherococcus, guarana, royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis, honey, soy lecithin and wheat germ oil.

How to help the body in spring

1. Practice physical activity regularly

Exercise is the foundation of a healthy body, and the modern lifestyle is generally sedentary. For this reason, moderate but regular activity is recommended, including walking daily with a firm pace or practicing more intense sport for at least an hour and a half to two hours a week.

2. Take care of your diet

It must be complete. No to sugars and fats, and not even processed foods. Yes instead to fresh foods, rich in omega 3, proteins, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, and obviously fruit and vegetables in general.

3. Hydrate

It is essential to always drink a quantity of water of no less than 1.5 litres, especially as temperatures rise.

4. Dress in layers

The classic onion method never fails, especially in spring and autumn when temperature changes are the order of the day and the weather is unpredictable.

5. Be outdoors

Walks, bike rides, trips out of town. The time has come to get out of the routine of the cold season and enjoy nature.

6. Protect yourself from the sun

Even if it doesn’t seem like it, in spring the UV index starts to be higher, which is why it is a good idea to use a cream with protection and sunglasses.

7. No stress

The pace is starting to get more frenetic, learning to say no and not expecting too much of yourself are the first steps to not succumb to the change of season.

8. Sleep well

Sleep is essential for tranquility and physical well-being. Due to the change of time and the increase in hours of sunshine, there may be changes in biorhythms that hinder quality rest, so it is good to pay attention to them and take action if necessary.

9. Integrate correctly

Nature offers various allies to take care of your body during this moment of change, when it is not possible to take in everything through food, you can resort to treatment cycles with supplements.

Natural remedies for the immune system

Sulforaphane is a powerful natural antioxidant capable of destroying free radicals, increases the production of antioxidant molecules (thanks to the action of the Nfr2 gene), induces the activity of phase 2 detoxifying enzymes thanks to which the cells eliminate the compounds toxic and protect themselves from oxidative damage. It has important anti-inflammatory properties.

In nature it is found in various plant species, such as in plants from the cruciferous family such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

Hyaluronic Acid of plant origin: Hyaluronic Acid of plant origin. It creates a benefit in hydration and elasticity of the skin and tissues in general (from a decrease in the depth of wrinkles to better joint mobility), as well as acting at the level of the mucous membranes, guaranteeing an emollient and soothing action. The active ingredient is assimilated more easily by the body.

It is extremely effective in stimulating the natural immune defenses, shortening healing times in typical seasonal ailments.

  • Trans-Resveratrol (comes from grapes and red wine)

For years it has been considered one of the most powerful antioxidants present in nature, and is able to protect the cardiovascular system.

It has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It helps prevent oxidative stress and exerts antibacterial and antiviral activity. Gingerols and shogaols help fight respiratory disorders by exerting a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory action and promoting relaxation of the airway muscles.

Provides high values ​​of vitamin C and carotenoids; it is an antioxidant par excellence, it strengthens the immune system.

A well-known superfood, capable of providing fundamental micro and macro nutrients, it also has a notable antioxidant potential thanks to its content of polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids; It has a purifying action on the body.

It has antioxidant properties and exerts an antibacterial action thanks to its ellagic acid content. It boasts a high content of ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) essential for neutralizing free radicals and strengthening the body’s natural defenses.

Berry known in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) for the characteristic of containing the 5 flavors, it is highly appreciated for its purifying, antioxidant, regenerating and energetic properties.

It has the highest ascorbic acid content in the world. It exerts an antimicrobial action, while vitamin C strengthens the immune system by modulating innate and adaptive responses. Ascorbic acid supports the epithelial barrier function against pathogens and helps ward off respiratory tract diseases.

Stimulates the immune defenses and in particular the line of macrophages responsible for capturing and eliminating damaged or infected cells; it is very useful in reducing recovery times in viral ailments, while it can be a precious resource in chronic or autoimmune diseases, favoring and strengthening the physiological mechanisms responsible for removing the causal agent.

Poligonum Multiflorum, known in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) as He Shou Wu, boasts countless properties that have given rise to legends of survival and longevity acquired in extreme conditions; modern science has also confirmed the antioxidant, anti-aging, hepatoprotective, tonic and energetic properties of this plant.

Plant capable of stimulating immune defenses and at the same time rich in components with antimicrobial action, naphthoquinones, capable of counteracting the development of various bacterial strains; It therefore favors the restoration of health conditions in the presence of seasonal ailments accompanied by bronchitis or other superimposed affections.

It exerts an antiviral action attributable to the anthocyanin content. It is rich in flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds and immunostimulating polysaccharides capable of inhibiting the pathogen. The binding between flavonoids and virions makes the virus inert for the host. Peptic polysaccharides contained in fruits and flowers interact with the immune system through the stimulation of macrophages.