The wait is over: the asparagus season has begun. Consumers love the vegetable. Valuable tips and delicious asparagus recipes can be found here.

Asparagus is considered the king of vegetables. Image: Fotolia / karepa

The 2024 asparagus season has begun in Germany. Gourmets can look forward to the “king of vegetables” on their plates until the end of June.

Asparagus season 2024: How to best store asparagus

Customers can tell when buying fresh asparagus by the cut. If it is brownish and dry, the vegetable has probably been on display for a while, explains Wiebke Unger from the Vegetarian Association of Germany (Vebu) in Berlin. If the asparagus is not eaten straight away, it should be wrapped in damp cloths and placed in the fridge. “Then it will last longer,” says Unger. But you shouldn’t wait more than a few days before eating it.

Also read:

Why asparagus is so healthy

For ecological reasons, the Vegetarian Association recommends buying asparagus from local cultivation. The stalks are also imported to Germany from Peru and Greece. Unger also recommends organic asparagus. According to the expert, conventional vegetables are often contaminated with weed killers. The white and green asparagus stalks provide the body with many vitamins and fiber. They are low in calories but still filling. They also stimulate the metabolism.

White, green or purple asparagus? These are the differences

This noble vegetable comes in three varieties – white, green and purple. White asparagus has a particularly mild taste. It is picked before it sees the sunlight. Green asparagus grows mainly above ground. The stalks are thinner and taste heartier and spicier. Purple asparagus is less common in stores. It is picked as soon as the asparagus tips have broken through the ground.

The best asparagus recipes for real gourmets

Germans prefer to enjoy the vegetable sticks with ham, potatoes, hollandaise sauce and a good wine. Cellar master Martin Hafner recommends the Grauer Burgunder from the Deutsches Weintor brand to go with the royal vegetable.

Asparagus foam soup with spring herbs and salmon tartare Image: German Wine Gate / Wirths PR

Asparagus foam soup with spring herbs and salmon tartare

Ingredients for 4 persons:

for the soup

  • 400g peeled white asparagus
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 200ml cream
  • 1 tbsp chopped chervil
  • 1 tbsp flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped wild garlic
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped sorrel
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped chives
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • pepper

for the tartar

  • 200g salmon fillet without skin
  • 1 small shallot
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped chives
  • 1 tbsp cold butter
  • 1 bottle of White Burgundy (Deutsches Weintor)

Cut the asparagus into small pieces and sauté in a pan in 1 tablespoon of butter. Add 800ml of water and cook the asparagus until soft. Add the herbs, puree everything with a hand blender until smooth and pass through a fine sieve. Put the asparagus and herb soup back into the pan with the cream and bring to the boil. Season with a pinch of sugar, salt and pepper. Finely dice the salmon fillet and shallot. Put both in a bowl and season with a little lemon juice, salt and pepper. Marinate with olive oil and chives. Arrange the salmon tartare in the middle of soup plates. Beat the butter into the soup with the hand blender until it foams nicely. Pour the soup into the plates and spoon some foam over the top. Serve with a dry white wine, such as white Burgundy.

Asparagus risotto with avocado cream Image: New Zealand House Avocado Oil

Asparagus risotto with avocado cream

Ingredients for 4 persons:

  • 5 tbsp avocado oil (from Neuseelandhaus)
  • 300g risotto rice
  • 400ml vegetable stock
  • 100ml white wine
  • 250g white asparagus
  • 250g green asparagus
  • 200g avocado
  • 40ml lime juice
  • 100g crème fraiche
  • 100ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Salt
  • pepper
  • Chili flakes

Heat 2 tablespoons of avocado oil in a pan and sauté the risotto rice until translucent. Gradually add the vegetable stock and white wine. Make sure that the rice has completely absorbed the liquid before adding more liquid. Repeat until the rice is cooked and creamy. Peel, clean and wash the asparagus. Cut the asparagus slightly diagonally into 3-4 cm long pieces and fry in 3 tablespoons of avocado oil for 3-4 minutes. Fold into the risotto before serving. In the meantime, halve the avocados, remove the stone, scoop out the flesh and immediately drizzle with lime juice. Add the crème fraîche. Puree both with a hand blender until creamy. Season well with orange juice, salt, pepper and chili flakes. Serve the avocado cream with the asparagus risotto.

Fried pepper tuna on two types of asparagus with basil-orange hollandaise Image: German Wine Gate / Wirths PR

Fried pepper tuna on two types of asparagus with basil-orange hollandaise

Ingredients for 4 persons:

  • 4 tuna fillets 150g each
  • 300g peeled white asparagus
  • 300g cleaned green asparagus
  • 1 slice of an untreated lemon
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 150g clarified butter
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 tbsp asparagus stock
  • Juice of 1/2 orange
  • Salt
  • pepper
  • 3 basil leaves, finely chopped
  • olive oil
  • Steak pepper
  • 1 bottle of Grauer Burgunder (Deutsches Weintor)

Cook the asparagus in boiling salted water with the lemon slice and 1 tablespoon butter until al dente. Remove and allow to cool. Put the cooking stock to one side. Melt the clarified butter and allow to cool to lukewarm. Beat the egg yolks with 3 tablespoons of cold asparagus stock and the orange juice in a bowl over steam until white and foamy. Do not let the egg mixture get too hot. Carefully beat in the clarified butter, first drop by drop, then in a thin stream. Season everything with salt and pepper and stir in the chopped basil leaves. Warm the asparagus in the stock with 1 tablespoon butter. Sprinkle the tuna with a little salt and plenty of steak pepper and fry in a very hot pan in plenty of olive oil on each side for about 30 seconds. The core should still be raw. Arrange the tuna on the asparagus and serve the hollandaise sauce with it. A cool glass of Pinot Gris goes well with this.

Asparagus muffins with parmesan and bacon Image: German Wine Gate / Wirths PR

Asparagus muffins with parmesan and bacon

Ingredients for about 20 muffins:

  • 300g white asparagus
  • 100g streaky bacon
  • 80g soft butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 300g sour cream
  • 150g freshly grated Parmesan
  • 180g corn flour
  • 200g flour
  • 1 packet of baking powder
  • Salt
  • 1 bottle of Dornfelder Mild (from Deutsches Weintor)

Peel the asparagus and blanch in boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. Cut the tips off the asparagus and halve lengthways, finely dice the rest of the stalks. Beat the soft butter with the eggs until fluffy and stir in the sour cream. Finely dice the bacon and slowly fry in a pan. Preheat the oven to 160 °C. Mix the two types of flour, the baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt and 100 g of grated Parmesan together. Stir into the egg mixture in small portions. Fold in the asparagus and bacon cubes. Line a muffin tray with paper sleeves and spread the mixture in it. Decorate with the asparagus tips and sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan. Bake the muffins on the middle shelf of the oven for around 30 minutes. Serve lukewarm. A glass of Dornfelder Mild goes well with this.

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