Author recipes to celebrate Hamburger Day

This Tuesday, May 28, we celebrate the World Burger Day, a day promoted to honor this delicious classic of world gastronomy. Between breads, with meats of all kinds and with a wide variety of garnishes and accessories, the burger It is a preparation that delights all types of palates and of which thousands have been made -not to say millions- of versions.

Although restaurants and fast food chains have hundreds of versions of this delicacy of American origin, in reality the burgers are one of the easiest recipes to replicate at home, especially if we have at hand the advice of those who know the most about cooking. Even great Michelin chefs like Dabiz Muñoz or Martin Berasategui have their own hamburger recipes, many of them shared through their social networks. These are five hamburger recipes prepared by the best-known chefs of Spanish haute cuisine, each with its delicious peculiarities but all with something in common: their delicious flavor.

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Chef Dani García. EFE/Kiko Huesca

The two Michelin star chef, Dani García, has their own version of the famous Big Mac, a recipe with gourmet touches that he shared on social networks so that anyone can replicate it at home. García uses picanha meat high quality, the same one he uses in his restaurant Leña, and recommends seasoning it only with salt and pepper before letting it rest in the refrigerator.

For the dip Big Mac style, Dani García starts with a base of 100 grams of mayonnaise to which he adds spicy mustard, ketchup or barbecue sauce, Sriracha tabasco, sweet paprika, garlic powder, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup and chopped pickles, achieving a mixture that provides the characteristic flavor of the famous fast food chain.

The bread receives special treatment from the chef. Wearing three layers of bread, add a layer of cheese faded in the middle. To do this, brown one side of the bread in butter in the pan and then add a thin layer of grated Parmesan cheese, turning the bread over to create a crunchy, melted cheese texture on both sides.

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Finally, García assembles the burger by cooking the meat over medium-high heat and browning the other two slices of bread with the meat fat. Place the layer of sauce, raw white onion, lettuce, a slice of cheese and a hamburger, followed by the bread with cheese, more onion, lettuce, pickles, another slice of cheese, the second hamburger, more sauce and close with the slice top of the bread.

Jordi Cruz at Ten’s restaurant (Ten’s Barcelona)

The three Michelin star chef Jordi Cruzknown for his role as a judge in the MasterChef television program, made his own version of this fast food recipe in an Instagram live. When he decides to make hamburgers at home, the chef chooses one quality beef and asks to be chopped and shaped into a hamburger, although without tightening it too much. This way they will be cooked inside and will be very juicy. Before cooking the hamburger, the cook takes it out from the refrigerator for a few minutes, so that it tempers. This way, when you touch the hot pan, the contrast will not be too much and, in addition, the interior will gain heat more easily.

Although Jordi Cruz also accompanies his homemade burger with a simple lettuce and tomato salad, the main garnish is some homemade fries that the chef prepares to his liking. As a trick to give more flavor to these fries, Cruz adds two or three cloves of garlic in the oil, peeled and crushed, so that they take on a touch of garlic flavor. Before frying them, leave them in water to remove a little starch, so that they are crispier, although we will have to be careful to remove them well before adding them to the oil. When cooking them, heat the oil, but not too much, so that they fry little by little.

Meat is the base of the burger, but it is nothing without the accessories that give it flavor and texture. The cook does not add tomato or lettuce to his burger, as he prefers to make a salad as an accompaniment and thus prevent the bread or meat from gaining too much moisture. What does have a key importance in its creation is the cheese, which it prefers to be from cows. On this occasion, he chooses a cheese cheddar.

Sauces are also essential for this burger. On one hand, use a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise. On the other hand, Jordi Cruz elaborates your own version of barbecue sauce. Although this sauce can be bought in any supermarket, the MasterChef presenter prefers to make it himself, combining caramelized spring onion and garlic, ketchup, a little orange juice and its zest and paprika for the smoky touch.

Chef José Andrés at his restaurant Minibar, in Washington DC (Instagram / @minibarbyjose)

Through his Instagram account, José Andrés shared some time ago which was one of his favorite hamburgers in the world, one that brings together the best of its two cultures: the Spanishfrom birth, and the American, by adoption. “Yes, yes, we all love burgers, BUT! Have you tried a burger made with Iberian pork? As a Spaniard and an American, combines two things I love and here chef @nicolopezpelaz tells you how he made it happen with the Iberian Smash Burger at @littlespain. Have you tried it? It’s so good! ”Wrote the cook in his publication.

To make this delicious version, we must first prepare some delicious fried peppers. To do this, we wash the peppers, cut off the stems and clean them inside, removing the seeds. In a large frying pan, heat plenty of olive oil and fry the peppers little by little until they are done.

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We form two balls of Iberian pork meat approximately 60 grams each. We heat the frying pan or griddle for the smash burgers. We cook each ball, flattening it with a spatula until they are as fine as possible. When the burgers are crispy, we put a slice of cheese on each one so that it melts. Meanwhile, toast the pieces of brioche bread on the same griddle until the desired doneness is achieved.

We proceed to assemble the burger. On the brioche bread, we apply a spiral of mayonnaise and the sauces of our choice. We place the hamburgers and, on them, fried peppers and some slices of ham as a final touch.

Martin Berasategui has prepared a menu of five savory dishes and a dessert (Getty Images)

Martin Berasategui shared in the newspaper The mail his innovative recipe ‘thai’ burger, an elaboration that surprises with its mix of fresh and spicy flavors. It begins with the preparation of a classic burger, using 200 grams of well-seasoned and hand-shaped minced beef. The meat, once ready, is stored in the refrigerator while the sauces are prepared.

For the Cesar dressing, combine 20 grams of Caesar sauce, 50 grams of grated Parmesan cheese, 12 anchovy fillets in olive oil, 150 ml of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of mustard, a clove of garlic and 50 ml of water in a blender. Blend at maximum power, strain the mixture and store in the refrigerator. On the other hand, prepare a Brave saucewhich is made up of 650 grams of spicy tomato sauce, 70 grams of whole chipotle with seeds and salt, blending everything until obtaining a uniform mixture that is also reserved cold.

The burger is cooked in a pan, adjusting the cooking point to the diner’s taste. Then, mix 20 mint leaves, 6 cilantro leaves and 8 grams of chopped red onion with the juice of half a lime, providing freshness and a citrus touch which contrasts perfectly with the intense sauces.

Finally, the bun halves are toasted and generously spread with the brava sauce. Thin slices of tomato, the freshly cooked hamburger and the herb and onion mixture are placed on the bread. It is finished with a touch of Caesar sauce before putting the top on the bun and serving the burger immediately to enjoy all the flavors at their best.

More than a year ago, chef Dabiz Muñoz presented his creation on social networks, called by himself as “the best burger in the world fucking world”. This recipe is a cheeseburger which combines fried eggs, crispy and melty, along with a Dabiz-style pink sauce that gives it a special touch.

To follow the DiverXO chef’s step by step, we start by preparing some Marinated yolks, prepared in soy sauce. To do this, we separate the yolks from the whites of four eggs. The yolks are covered with soy and a splash of Pedro Ximénez wine is added, letting them rest for two hours. The meat, seasoned with salt and pepper, is divided into two burgers of 190 grams each.

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For the sauce, prepare a mayonnaise with an egg and olive oil, to which you add juice of half an orange, a little lime juice, and chipotle chili paste. Also add a little smoked ketchup, sliced ​​gherkin and chopped chives, and store in the refrigerator.

The marinated yolks are removed from the soybeans and emulsified. The reserved egg whites are beaten by hand with a splash of water. In a pan with hot oil, add the egg whites with your fingers, creating thin threads that are fried until golden brown and salted. The burgers are cooked for 45 seconds on each side in the pan, cheddar cheese is added to one and white cheese to the other, and in the oven to melt the cheese. Finally, the hamburger bun is browned in the pan.

To assemble the burger, the chef places the pink sauce on the base of the bun, followed by the cheddar burger, more sauce, the fried egg patty, the second burger, another egg patty, and on the top of the bun he puts the sauce made with the emulsified yolks.

Interview with Ezequiel Maldjian, co-founder of Hundred Burgers, the third best burger restaurant in the world according to The World’s Best Burgers ranking for its ‘Singular’ burger