Author: Lena Rauschecker | Category: Cosmetics and Fashion | 10.04.2024

Dark circles under the eyes make the face look tired - these five tips will help against dark shadows under the eyes.

Photo: Shutterstock / Mladen Mitrinovic

We all know this: you didn’t get enough sleep last night and the next day you have dark circles under your eyes. We asked a dermatologist where they come from and what can help against dark circles under your eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes can often be a sign of tiredness and lack of sleep – but they can also have other causes. We have five effective tips that help against dark circles under the eyes, depending on the cause.

How do dark circles under the eyes actually form?

The skin under our eyes is very thin. When we sleep at night, lymph circulation is slower and lymph fluid can collect under the eyes. When lymph circulation is poorer, swelling under the eyes occurs.

Dark discoloration under the eyes can have various causes. Common reasons are lack of sleep, stress and tiredness. Smoking also causes the skin to age and become thinner, thus promoting dark circles under the eyes. In addition, the thin skin under the eyes can quickly cause a muscle to show through darkly. Increased pigmentation of the skin is another possible cause.

But organ or blood diseases can also cause dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, you should seek medical advice if the dark circles under your eyes become more severe or if swelling or even bruising occurs repeatedly.

Dermatologist Dr. Julia Hölker explains to ÖKO-TEST: As soon as swelling increases, the skin becomes inflamed or the eyes themselves are persistently dry, you should seek advice from a doctor. You should also visit a doctor’s office if your vision is impaired.

Important tips against dark circles under the eyes

If you tend to get dark circles under your eyes, you can follow a few tips to prevent them. Dermatologist Dr. Hölker also assesses how effective home remedies are for dark circles under your eyes.

Effectively prevent dark circles under the eyes

The best thing is to prevent dark circles from forming in the first place. The classic remedies for dark circles are: enough sleep, enough exercise and a healthy diet. It is well known, but also important: sufficient and as restful sleep as possible prevents dark circles under the eyes. In the long term, you should not less than seven hours of sleep.

The right Facial care before going to bed can support the regeneration of the skin. ÖKO-TEST last had night creams tested in the laboratory in 2023. You can find all creams and results in the ePaper – click on the box below:

It continues with: MovementIt gets our circulation going and stimulates blood flow – even a long walk helps. Both of these things help prevent dark circles under the eyes from forming in the first place.

Get rid of dark circles under the eyes: with vitamins and water

Our diet also influences the formation of dark circles under the eyes – and a balanced nutrition prevents them:

  • vitamin C: It is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, kiwis and blackcurrants, as well as in peppers, spinach and cabbage varieties such as Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli.
  • Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and is found in cabbage, green leafy vegetables and herbs such as chives and parsley.
  • zinc You can consume it with whole grain products, nuts and cheese.
  • iron – best in combination with vitamin C – is found in wheat bran, millet, oat flakes and buckwheat as well as in seeds and nuts.

Particularly important to avoid drying out the skin: Drink enough – preferably water and unsweetened (organic) tea. alcohol On the other hand, negatively on our sleep and thus promotes the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

    Green vegetables like broccoli contain important vitamins that can prevent dark circles under the eyes.

    Green vegetables like broccoli contain important vitamins that can prevent dark circles under the eyes. (Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay / silviarita)

    Caffeine also makes the eyes more alert

    Caffeine not only wakes you up, but can also tighten the skin. Caffeine causes the blood vessels under the eyes to contract and become less visible through the thin skin. According to Dr. Julia Hölker, caffeine can help against dark circles under the eyes if the dark circles are caused by dilated blood vessels.

    To get the effect of caffeine you can use coffee or black tea.

    Black tea against dark circles: Briefly soak two tea bags in cold water, squeeze them out gently and then place them on your closed eyelids. The tannins in black tea have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and are soothing for swollen eyes. Dermatologist Hölker believes that compresses soaked in black tea are particularly useful for eczematous changes to the skin.

    Coffee against dark circles: You can either gently tap strong, cooled coffee directly under your eyes with your fingertips and rinse it off after about ten minutes. Or you can soak a cloth or cotton pad in coffee and leave it on your closed eyelids for ten to 15 minutes.

    Lighten dark circles under the eyes with potatoes?

    Potatoes have anti-inflammatory, skin-soothing and whitening properties. But can they therefore also help against dark circles under the eyes?

    Dr. Julia Hölker explains to ÖKO-TEST that potatoes can have a moisturizing effect on the skin. But whether the tubers work against dark circles under the eyes depends on the cause of the dark circles. However, she believes it is likely “to a small extent” that potatoes can bring moisture into the skin and possibly even achieve a very subtle lightening of hyperpigmented skin.

    Follow these steps:

    • Grate a raw potato very finely and apply it carefully under the eyes. After about 15 minutes, wash off the residue with lukewarm water.
    • You can also cut a thick slice of raw potato into a half-moon shape and place it under your eyes for 15 minutes.

    Cucumber mask for dry skin

    Cucumbers contain a lot of water, but also vitamins and minerals. Cucumber slices on the eyes and the sensitive skin underneath provide moisture and have a calming effect. It is best to use organic cucumbers, as the peel and its valuable ingredients should remain on.

    Here’s how to proceed:

    1. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices.
    2. Place the cucumber slices on the cleaned, closed eyelids.
    3. Leave the cucumber on your eyes for about 15 minutes.
    Dark circles under the eyes: Cucumber moisturizes the thin skin under the eyes.

    Dark circles under the eyes: Cucumber moisturizes the thin skin under the eyes. (Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pexels / cottonbro)

    Effectively cover dark circles under the eyes

    What doesn’t remove dark circles permanently, but makes them disappear painlessly: Concealers. Concealers not only hide dark circles under the eyes, but also make small blemishes on the face optically disappear. We have recently tested concealers: nine out of 20 failed the test. More on this:

    Have dark circles professionally removed

    It is also possible to have dark circles under the eyes removed professionally. Manual or mechanical lymphatic drainage, for example, ensures that the tissue fluid, the lymph, under the eyes drains away again and dark circles disappear. However, a specialist is required for such a procedure.