Fiber is an incredibly important part of a healthy diet. And although the word itself, and especially the part “fiber,” sounds rather negative, these components of food are extremely beneficial. But what is fiber, what exactly is so great about it and where is it found? With our help, you will soon understand all of this as well as the pros and cons of proteins, unhealthy fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, which most people already understand more about. You will also receive tables with lists of high-fiber foods.

What are fiber and are they healthy?

Dietary fiber and fiber-rich foods create a balance in the gastrointestinal flora

The question is actually answered relatively quickly and easily: Dietary fiber is the part of plant products that humans cannot or can hardly digest. They are also called polysaccharides. They include, among others: Cellulose (fruit, vegetables, cereals), pectin (Fruit), bran (cereals) or the Gels from the edible seaweed. This explanation will probably make you stunned at first. Why are they good fibers if the body ultimately doesn’t benefit from them because they are excreted unprocessed? What are they good for?

Why are they important?

The natural bacteria in the intestine feed on fiber and thus do not attack the mucous layer

Indigestible fiber balances the intestinal flora, which prevents problems with digestion and the digestive tract. Above all, the risk of constipation or intestinal diseases is reduced. Studies have also shown that foods rich in fiber are good for blood pressure and cholesterol levels and have a positive effect on insulin levels. Fiber is divided into soluble and insoluble. Why do we need fiber from both groups?

Foods rich in fiber and fiber stimulate digestion and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract

What are the soluble versions needed for?

Soluble fiber includes pectin, inulin and oligofructose. They bind water and thus act as a swelling agent. The bacteria living in the large intestine process the substances into important fatty acids and gases. This means that the stool not only becomes softer, but also more. This prevents constipation and also improves the regularity of bowel movements.

The bacteria are an important component for a healthy and well-functioning intestinal flora. Since these bacteria feed on the fiber, they can multiply well. A healthy intestinal flora is therefore the result of a proper diet with sufficient fiber.

Here you can learn more about soluble fiber in a low-carb diet.

The pectin in apples and especially in the peel is a great fiber

Why does the body need fiber that is not soluble?

The insoluble variants, on the other hand, bind much less water. But that doesn’t mean that they are less or not useful at all. On the contrary, they ensure that the volume of the stool increases even more, which in turn stimulates the intestines. Its movements improve. Better transport of food residues and faster excretion are the positive consequences of this.

It is therefore important that you eat enough fiber for many reasons. Because if your digestion is balanced and your intestinal flora is healthy, many diseases and gastrointestinal problems can be prevented. It is interesting to note that the natural bacteria in your intestines feed on these nutrients. If they do not receive this food, they are forced to feed on the mucous layers of your intestines. This is a kind of cannibalism.

Eating high-fiber foods – how much is recommended?

Fiber and fiber-rich foods are good for the stomach and intestines

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The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends 30 g per day. These are best consumed in several meals throughout the day. And the high-fiber diet is extremely varied, so you have a wide choice and can change high-fiber foods regularly. This way, a balanced diet can be guaranteed.

If you have only consumed an amount below the recommended amount and would like to increase your intake, you should do so slowly. Too much fiber in a very short period of time can lead to bloating or a feeling of fullness. This is simply because your body is not used to it yet. Also, don’t forget to drink enough. This is the only way for the substances to swell and be flushed through the body.

Where does fiber come from?

Eat a varied diet with vegetables, fruits, grains and other fiber-rich foods

So you have decided to make sure you regularly eat fiber-rich foods. But where is fiber found? Especially fiber-rich foods are the fruit and vegetables and the fact that these foods should be on the table every day is nothing new. So if you previously believed that fruit and vegetables were only healthy because of their vitamins, that was not entirely true.

The advantage of vegetables over fruit is that they have less sugar, which makes them even lower in calories. Nevertheless, you should definitely not avoid fruit, because it contains many beneficial ingredients that the body also needs.

Fiber is found in various foods and should be part of the daily diet

Also whole grain products are high-fiber foods. You don’t have to eat these in addition to your usual grain products, but you can simply replace all wheat products, be it bread, rolls or pasta, with whole grain ones. Spelt is just as suitable as whole grain.

legumesas well as Nuts and seeds are also valuable foods with a high fiber content. We have summarized the most popular ones in a table below.

What has the most fiber?

Fiber and fiber-rich foods - tips and tables

You can get fiber from vegetables, fruit and grains. It is not without reason that experts recommend 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. You will find a particularly high amount in dried fruit. Plums contain 18.8 g per 100 g and apricots 17.3 g per 100 g. Other dried fruits with a lot of fiber are pears (13.5 g per 100 g) and apples (10.7 g per 100 g).

Below you will find a list and table of fruits as a high-fiber food. This way you can compare a selection of fruits. So which one contains the most fiber? Note that the amount of fiber in dried fruit can vary and depends on the degree of drying but also on the ripeness at harvest.

Fruit as food – list

Fruit is richer in fibre in dried form than in raw form

As you can see, you have a large selection of fruit and the dried varieties are particularly good for your body. The table also shows that dried mango is healthy. In comparison, a fresh mango only has 2 g per 100 g. But remember that dried fruit also contains a lot of sugar. Fruit that is particularly high in water is relatively low in fiber. For example, you only get 1.4 g from pineapple and 2 g from nectarines per 100 g.

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Berry are delicious and relatively high-fiber foods. In addition to the varieties listed in the table, you will find other popular ones with their fiber content per 100 g of fruit below:

  • Cranberries – 4 g
  • Raspberries – 7 g
  • Gooseberries – 4 g
  • Blueberries – 5 g
  • Elderberries – 7 g

Vegetables as LFoods with fiber – table

Which vegetables are rich in fiber and which contain less

Many vegetables are foods with a lot of fiber. You can find a selection in the table below. If you want to incorporate fiber-rich foods into your everyday life, you can’t just choose from the types listed. Vegetables are always healthy, no matter how much fiber they contain. Simply create a balance by combining lower-fiber vegetables with nuts, grain products or fruit.

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Dietary fiber in food – list of cereal products

Eat grains and grain products and especially whole grains for lots of fiber

Anyone who likes to eat pasta, potatoes, muesli and other grain products will be happy to know that they are rich in fibre. But which foods contain the most? Whole grain products are clearly way ahead in the race. We have put together some fibre-rich foods and types of grain in the table below. You can also find varieties that are less rich in these substances for comparison.

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As you can see, coconut flour and cocoa are clearly at the top of our list, as they each contain 100 g more than the recommended daily allowance. Unpeeled grain seeds are preferable, as the shell contains the most fiber. It is good to know that you can also buy shells separately to mix into dishes (e.g. muesli). These shells are called “bran”.

Table for legumes

Legumes such as peas, beans and lentils keep the intestines healthy

Light food to calm the digestive system with tips and tables

Pulses generally contain large amounts of fiber, no matter which variety you choose. They are without question perfect fiber-rich foods and taste great not only in soups but also as a side dish to meat dishes. This means you have a wide range of options when it comes to preparing them. The exact amount depends a lot on whether the pulses are raw or cooked. Cooked pulses contain much less.

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Seeds and nuts as fiber-rich foods

Nuts and seeds are high in fiber, but also fatty and should be eaten in moderation

Many people will be pleased that nuts are high in fiber and therefore very healthy in this respect. The beloved chia seeds, which are so popular in desserts, are also great for pampering your digestive tract. But nuts are not just good for snacking on their own. Seeds and nuts can also be used on treats such as bread or cakes. However, don’t overdo it with consumption, because nuts in particular also contain a lot of fat and calories.

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Although spices are used in small quantities, they contain plenty of fiber

A dish is rarely complete without aromatic spices. You will certainly be interested in the fiber content of spices and you will be amazed at how rich they actually are in this nutrient. However, since small amounts are used for seasoning, spices are not a sufficient source. Here is a list of selected spices:

  • Curry powder – 53 g
  • Rosemary – 43 g
  • Savory – 45 g
  • Cinnamon – 53 g
  • Oregano – 43g
  • Turmeric, dried – 6.7 g
  • Bay leaf, dried – 26.3
  • Basil, dried – 17.8
  • Ginger powder – 5.9 g

And what about sweets?

Chocolate and other sweets contain little fiber, but a lot of unhealthy sugar

Sweets are delicious, nobody denies that. However, you should only consume them in moderation, because unfortunately they are also very unhealthy foods. This also applies to the fiber content. For example, chocolate only contains 1 g of fiber. So if you really want to snack on chocolate, at least go for nut chocolate, because the content increases to around 4.1 g depending on the type of nut and cocoa content.

Prepare your own desserts with fruit and other healthy ingredients

Dark chocolate 50% even has a full 10g of fiber per 100g. Gummy bears, sweeteners, ice cream and sugar in general have none, while marzipan contains 2.8g. Instead, opt for healthy, homemade desserts that contain fruit, nuts and other fiber-rich foods.

Foods rich in fiber prevent diabetes and other diseases