LloydsFarmacia (16 pharmacies in CR) ‘Talks 2024’ is underway: an appointment with wellbeing.

From January 12th, the new health pills to live better are online, with advice from experts.

Skin health, gender medicine, the secrets of the microbiota, the prevention of diabetes, but also adolescent hardships and the phases of women’s lives are some of the topics proposed on the LloydsFarmacia – BENU Farmacia channels, to accompany citizens to better lifestyles and fighting fake news.

The platform is accessible for free, from https://insalute.lloydsfarmacia.ite and social channels. Thirty thousand views for the 2023 edition.

Bologna, 10 January 2024 – Over thirty experts in various pathologies, discussing eight macro-themes chosen from the most current and interesting topics, have been brought together by LloydsFarmacia – BENU Farmacia for its ‘Talks 2024’: the third edition of the pills of well-being, online from January 12th on https://insalute.lloydsfarmacia.it

A free program, completely dedicated to prevention and conscious lifestyles, hosted by journalists Susanna Messaggio and Alessandro Santoro, who ‘meet’ specialists in various subjects, doctors but also Olympic trainers and coaches, to help citizens clarify health topics: real pathologies, but also lifestyles and preventive services in pharmacies, which can help keep fundamental parameters under control.

Undoubted socio-health emergencies, such as type 2 diabetes and adolescent problems, between social filters and self-acceptance, alternate – with Talks – with increasingly current themes, such as the now undisputed ‘gut-brain axis’, a attentive to environmental needs, a medicine capable of responding to gender diversity and the transgender population – which involves 400,000 people in Italy – the well-being of women, in the most varied age groups, the role of telemedicine and artificial intelligence for prevention and health , tips for food supplementation, for real psycho-physical well-being, in life and in sport. These are the macro themes chosen for the ‘Talks 2024’: an appointment with wellbeing, accessible from the website and social channels of LloydsFarmacia – BENU Farmacia.

Talks gives voice to over thirty experts and popularizers, including: Anna Maria Colao, internationally renowned endocrinologist; Beatrice Casoni, surgeon, specialist in psychiatry, Health Director of the Healthy Brain Institute, Bologna; Silvia De Francia, professor at the University of Turin and expert in Gender Medicine; Ines Mordente, surgeon specialist in dermatology and venereology; Lucilla Titta, nutritionist and researcher, European Institute of Oncology; Nicoletta Romanazzi, mental coach; Elisa Stefanati, psychologist and psychotherapist at Quisisana Ferrara; Giuseppe Ventriglia expert and professor of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Milan.

“With Talks, digital advice and information are integrated with consultancy and services in the pharmacy, in an exclusive system of our chain, which will be completely rebranded as BENU Farmacia by summer 2024. Our commitment is and will increasingly be to create and encourage ‘ stories of well-being’ shared with the population and the territory, in the pharmacy with the innovative Hub Salute format and online. – is the comment of Vincenzo Masci, Commercial & Marketing Group Director PHOENIX Pharma Italia – These ‘talks’ are completely in line with our renewed mission: to support citizens in their search for health and do it in a smart way. We know that people search online for answers to their health problems, but also how easy it is to come across fake news or unverified news. With this initiative, we want to reach people with truly ‘smart’, but serious content guaranteed by the experience of the speakers: authoritative voices on the national scene and experienced disseminators. In times of health misinformation and critical care, we also do our part online, as we do every day with the advice of our pharmacists, in the pharmacy. The thousands of views in past editions confirm how much quality information is required. With Talks, we offer it, thanks to the expertise of the experts involved, accredited in the medical-scientific community, who we thank for their precious contribution, together with our experts and pharmacists”.

The voices of the experts: some ‘pills’ from Talks: an appointment with wellbeing

Preventing and combating Type 2 Diabetes thanks to lifestyle, physical activity and nutrition is the focus of Anna Maria Colao, an internationally renowned endocrinologist, to help tackle the pathology which affects over 4 million people in Italy, while it is estimated that a further million are unknowingly affected. “Type 2 diabetes is the real pandemic of the Western world, in Italy we have around 6% incidence, with a gradient against the south. The healthy lifestyle is based on daily physical exercise, biorhythms and the elimination of toxic substances, including the abuse of electronic devices. We eat definitely too much, the diet should include an abundance of vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, low animal protein content, in line with a sustainable diet, favorable for the planet.

From adolescence to menopause, focus on the role of nutrition, an essential ally in containing and preventing inflammatory states and insulin resistance, at the origin of disorders and pathologies in the different phases of a woman’s life. Beatrice Mosele, women’s health expert, in sharing her nutrition advice, highlights “Nutrition interacts strongly with hormonal balance. Taking care of it can be of great help, among other things, for natural fertility, preventing and containing inflammatory states and insulin resistance, coping with pathologies such as endometriosis and experiencing menopause in health.”

Adolescence is the crucial phase, in which the body begins to change, while the desire arises to understand how to like oneself and like oneself more, between crises of self-esteem, first relationships and difficulties in accepting oneself. “This has always happened” – comments Elisa Stefanati, psychologist and psychotherapist – “Today, adolescent discomfort and possible stigmas, between social filters and reality, as if the world were ‘enclosed in a selfie’, can constitute a matter of legitimate concern of parents. It is important not to underestimate the signs of discomfort, which can push the adolescent to a compulsive use of photo editing and/or to want to resort to cosmetic surgery early, leading the non-acceptance of oneself to a real pathology, dysmorphophobia.”

Ines Mordente, specialist in Dermatology and Venereology, has created a real #acnerevolution “Acne can be cured, but it is necessary to know and accept oneself, work with an integrated approach and above all accept the nature of one’s skin, in the of a #skinpositivity, which can greatly help in dealing with the most widespread skin pathology.” Acne affects over 80% of adolescents in the world – around four million in Italy – and one in ten adults.

Men and women respond differently to treatment and any adverse effects can be very different. It is the now undisputed approach of gender medicine, whose voice is expressed by Silvia De Francia who highlights how: “We are profoundly different and for this reason we should be considered and considered”. “The specific sex/gender approach is closely linked to cardiology: when hormonal protection decreases in women, the cardiovascular risk increases. It is increasingly necessary to collect and process data in the field of gender medicine, for therapy tailored to the individual. Just as a medical and prevention vision dedicated to the transgender population is necessary, which involves over 400,000 people in Italy. The data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità are worrying and indicate that transgender people no longer carry out adequate screening for neoplastic diseases, referring to their sex of origin.”

The intestine-brain axis sees among the protagonists Beatrice Casoni, surgeon, specialist in psychiatry, who underlines how “The state of our mind and the functioning of our brain influence the rest of the body, also determining functional pathologies and disorders, affecting of the gastro-intestinal system.” The mental coach Nicoletta Romanazzi, advocate of a holistic approach of mind and body alignment for sporting challenges and beyond, gave examples of Olympic athletes that she follows: “Olympic athletes came to me with enormous potential that was expressed in training but not in races, where the legs became heavy as bricks. The mental coach helps these kids manage stress and tension. Great athletes know that the most important thing is to align the mind with the body.”

LloydsFarmacia-BENU Farmacia, a retail branch of PHOENIX Pharma Italia, has always stood out for its proximity to citizens and for its attention to their health and well-being needs. With its over 270 points of reference open in the area, home services, pharmacists and all employees, the chain continues and confirms its commitment, with ever new initiatives, to health and prevention.

www.lloydsfarmacia.it www.admentaitalia.it

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