During pregnancy and developmental age

as long as it is supervised by a nutritionist

expert who prescribes an adequate

The vegan diet is admitted by iodine supplementation and suggests the use of

major international nutrition companies: iodized salt

In case of food allergies in childhood,

what consequences can the diet have of nutritional deficiency of iodine, vitamins,

exclusion for the child? minerals

What foods are richest in iodine? Fish, crustaceans and sea molluscs

To eliminate iodine deficiency disorders, yes

recommends: Using iodized salt

What did the results show?

second surveillance on iodine nutrition

in Italy conducted in the period 2015–2019

from OSNAMI? Italy is iodine sufficient

What are the positive implications of using Offer from qualified sources (institutional and…

Internet regarding thyroid health? scientific societies) from which to draw information

Normal secretory activity of the thyroid

(euthyroidism) requires intake

feed adequate quantities of: Iodine

What is the most frequent alteration

functional thyroid function in adults e

in the elderly? Hypothyroidism

The iodine content in foods depends

by several factors. Which of the following factors Possibilities, for intended animals

it’s false? to food, to breathe sea air

What are the major allergenic foods

in early childhood? Those with the highest iodine content

Long-term iodine intake since it is

It is necessary for children to be born and raised

in conditions of iodine sufficiency because the

The prevalence of goiter in school age is a process of glandular hyperplasia does not have

indicator used to evaluate: start

In adulthood and in old age which

general dietary recommendations yes

could provide in order to ensure a Use iodized salt, diversify the

adequate iodine intake? foods, prefer vegetables enriched with iodine

Iodine is the fundamental constituent of

which hormones? Thyroxine and triiodothyronine

In 2022, the ISS contributed, along with the

Scientific Societies and Associations of

Patients, to the drafting of a decalogue in

occasion of World Health Week

Thyroid. Which of the following purposes is not

contemplated in the decalogue? Organize online courses

In 2022, the ISS contributed, along with the

Scientific Societies and Associations of

Patients, to the drafting of a decalogue in

occasion of the World Week of Countering the rampant phenomenon of fakes

Thyroid. With what purpose? news on the subject of thyroid health

Which of the following recommendations

general dietary requirements provided to ensure a

adequate iodine intake in adulthood and in

Is advanced age wrong? Drink a lot of water

Allows you to choose the foods you like


Which of the following statements regarding this?

to correct information on the thyroid and the

Is prevention of thyroid disease false? Check the maintenance of

iodine sufficiency over time and identify

Monitoring iodoprophylaxis allows for subpopulations at risk of deficiency

of: nutritional iodine

Among the main restrictive diets, which is it

the one in which it can occur most

an iodine deficiency? Vegan

Indicate the consequences of exposure Thyroid diseases and neuro-cognitive development

fetal iodine deficiency. pathological

Children with celiac disease or diseases

untreated inflammatory bowel disease

may be exposed to deficiency

nutritional value of iodine? Yes

What are the most clinical manifestations: Cardiac rhythm and function disorders,

frequent thyroid deficiency in adults and hypercholesterolemia, weight gain,

in the elderly? cognitive deficit, motor slowing

Iodine requirements during breastfeeding

is: Equal to the requirement during pregnancy

Regarding the Position Statement on the use of

iodized salt in adults and children, subjects suffering from non-thyroidal pathologies

Which of the following statements is incorrect? they can use iodized salt

Newborns fed exclusively with milk Yes, if the maternal food intake is not

maternal may experience a lack of adequate to cover the daily requirement of

iodine? iodine

It can negatively affect growth

What effects can the height-weight and neuro-cognitive diet have on health?

vegetarian or vegan in early childhood? child

Which of the following is not included

causes that expose them more easily

elderly with nutritional iodine deficiency? Tooth loss

What is the most common consequence of

iodine deficiency? Goiter

Nutritional iodine deficiency is also a

risk factor for: The most aggressive forms of thyroid cancer

The Deed of Understanding of the State Conference A National Observatory for Monitoring

Regions of 26 February 2009 established the Iodoprophylaxis (OSNAMI) at the Institute

establishment of a Superior of Health

What is the amount of iodine added to our 30 mcg iodine/kg of salt

cooking salt?

The iodine content in foods depends

by several factors. Which of the following factors Possibilities, for intended animals

it’s false? to food, to breathe sea air

The average daily requirement of iodine increases compared to the requirement of an adult

during pregnancy and breastfeeding: reaching 250 mcg per day

When the program was introduced. In 2005 with the approval of Law no.

national iodoprophylaxis team in Italy? 55/2005

What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism

in adults and the elderly? Graves-Basedow disease

Which of the following is no longer the cause

frequent thyroid hypofunction? Infiltrative diseases of the thyroid

Neonatal TSH is used as a marker of iodine sufficiency in the neonatal population,

for newborn screening for hypothyroidism and indirectly in pregnant women,

congenital and also as a marker when the prevalence of high values ​​(>5.0

indicative of: mU/L) does not exceed the threshold of 3%

What are the recommendations of cardiologists

and WHO on daily amounts of salt

iodized to use for an adult? 3-5 g of iodized salt

What is the iodine nutritional status of our

Country today? iodine sufficient

Between 75 and 225 mcg of iodine and therefore not

Iodine-containing supplements available in carry the risk of excessive exposure

Italy and usable during pregnancy, contain: micronutrient

What we read in the Position Statement on use

of iodized salt in adulthood and age Everyone can use iodized salt, too

pediatric? subjects suffering from thyroid diseases

Regarding Law 55/2005, which of the Obligation to sell iodized salt only on

Is the following statement incorrect? specific consumer request

Which of the following are not

typical clinical manifestations of the deficiency Jaundice, steatorrhea

thyroid in adults and the elderly?

pregnancy and during breastfeeding

daily iodine requirement has increased. Supplement iodine with multivitamins and

and risks not being achieved even if you take iodine-containing supplements

uses iodized salt. What is recommended On a voluntary basis and was introduced in

our country with the approval of the Law

The Italian iodoprophylaxis program is: n. 55 of 21 March 2005

To ensure adequate iodine nutrition

in children with celiac disease or diseases Possible long-term iodine supplementation

intestinal inflammation, it is advisable: term

The fundamental constituent of hormones

Iodine is: thyroid

The daily requirement of iodine is 250 mcg/day in both cases

pregnancy and during breastfeeding is equal to:

Nutritional iodine deficiency is a factor Nutritional iodine deficiency is a factor of

of risk for which type of carcinoma risk only for the more aggressive forms of

thyroid? thyroid cancer

What are the recommendations of cardiologists

and WHO on daily amounts of salt

iodized to be used for children under 12

years? 2-3 g of iodized salt or even less

What is the prevalence of goiter in school age

indicative of the disappearance of the goiter

endemic? Less than 5.0%

What is the average daily requirement of

iodine during breastfeeding? 250 mcg

Regarding the Position Statement on the use of

iodized salt in adults and children, subjects suffering from non-thyroidal pathologies

Which of the following statements is incorrect? they can use iodized salt

What are the most clinical manifestations

frequent in thyroid hyperfunction. Nervousness, tachycardia, arrhythmias, fatigue

in adults and the elderly? muscle, tremors

What is the average daily requirement of

iodine during pregnancy? 250 mcg

How many mg of iodine are contained in the media Between 300 and 370 mg of iodine per ml of liquid

of radiological contrast? of contrast

What are the consequences of exposure

fetal to excess iodine? Cerebral morphological alterations

Iodoprophylaxis programs can reduce cancer mortality

contribute: thyroid

Indicate which of the following is not

represents a good strategy for

improve iodine intake in adults

older. Increase your intake of iodized salt

Over the years the Ministry of Health

how it intensified the campaigns through the promotion of the slogan “Poco

information at national level on the use of salt and only iodized salt”, information campaigns,

iodized salt? dedicated posters, flyers, booklets and logos

Where can you find the brochure “Little salt but

iodate” created by the Ministry of Health

in collaboration with the Higher Institute of

Healthcare? Online on the Ministry of Health website

It gives the illusion to users that it can be

“doctors of themselves”, and determines the spread

What are the negative implications of using inaccurate, if not false, information often

Internet? alarmist

Indicate the incorrect answer to the question:
