International Men's Day 2023: focus on sexual well-being - image 2

Photo: Becca Tapert/Unsplash

One of the purposes of International Men’s Day, which is celebrated on November 19, is precisely to improve health and well-being through a fair consideration of male problems. If you think, for example, of the complex panorama of sexual dysfunctions that men can encounter throughout their lives, there are still many who suffer in silence due to social stigmas and a lack of awareness of themselves and their bodies. To the detriment of general well-being and intimate relationships. So what to do? We talked about it with the doctor Valentina Cosmi, SISP psychotherapist and sexologist (Italian Society of Sexology and Psychology), which sends a clear message: correct sexual-affective education and understanding of oneself and others are the keys to breaking down barriers and helping men lead more satisfying and healthier sexual lives .

Sexual dysfunctions: overcoming obstacles by fighting prejudices and stereotypes

Men, like women, can also experience insecurities about their physical appearance, especially in intimacy. In order to overcome them and experience a satisfactory sexuality again, it is therefore essential:

  • remember that self-confidence and self-acceptance are the basis of a satisfying and fulfilling life, not only sexual.
  • dedicate onself in healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, and above all taking care of yourself and your emotional needs, can improve your physical health and self-esteem.
  • recognize that these situations should never be a cause for shame or embarrassment is fundamental. For this reason, the path could be to promote open conversations and proactive solutions, involving a sexual wellness professional, if necessary.

Here are the tips for the right approach to the most frequent sexual dysfunctions.

Sexual desire is limited or appears to be blocked. This problem, more common than you might think, is known as low libido or reduced sexual desire. The factors that contribute to low libido can be various, such as stress, relationship problems, psychological and emotional difficulties, hormonal imbalances or taking certain medications.

What to do First thing, communicate with your partner – or your partner – in an honest and open way, so as not to create distances between the members of the couple, but rather to facilitate mutual understanding and sharing. If necessary, seek professional advice, since The underlying causes of low libido, such as hormonal imbalances or psychological factors, may require expert attention. «Very often intervening early is the simplest way to deal with a small difficulty which, if neglected, can escalate and create a vicious circle that is difficult to break» explains sexologist Valentina Cosmi, who is also a consultant for LELO – leading brand in the sex toys sector which has also developed revolutionary products to overcome some sexual health problems, such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Physical factors such as diabetes and hypertension or psychological factors such as anxiety or depression can contribute to the erectile deficiency. It affects about 20% of men over the age of 20, or about 20 million people. However, it can also affect very young peopleto the first sexual-affective experiences, where the worry of “making a bad impression” or excessive self-observation (spectatoring) can make it difficult to achieve and/or maintain an erection. A problem of performance anxiety, in short.

What to do “The good news is that there are several possibilities to deal with this condition,” says the expert. «In the first instance, especially at a young age, it is important to evaluate the possibility of resorting to a psycho-sexual interventionto delve deeper into emotional and psychological aspects, possibly combining (under strict medical supervision and only if necessary) a drug. In fact, it is important to avoid pathologizing the symptom and instead try to understand the reasons behind the difficulty and address it in a calm manner, through a path that helps the person to be more aware of how they “work” on a sexual level.” Modern medicine also offers various solutions, ranging from oral medications to intracavernous injectionsup to penile implants. Consulting a sexual wellness professional can be essential in determining the solution best suited to your specific condition.

The difficulty or inability of men to exercise voluntary control over ejaculation is a rather common problem, a reason for insecurity or low self-esteem. But, if treated correctly, it can be managed effectively.

What to do The stop-start methodthe compression technique or the Kegel exercises they can help. Also, work on greater awareness of your body it can help you regain control over climax, making intercourse more satisfying. «It should be remembered that the “time” of ejaculation also reflects an internal time of the person. Usually, anxiety and worry related to performance are excellent allies of PE, as is being very focused on the partner and on the need to “give pleasure” to the other by distracting or overshadowing if themselves. Let’s not forget that It’s hard to give pleasure to someone if you can’t give pleasure to yourself» says Valentina Cosmi.

If, however, reaching orgasm becomes a longer and more difficult undertaking than expected, we speak of delayed ejaculation, which can result from psychological factors or side effects of drugs, such as drugs to facilitate erection.

What to do Consult an expert it can help uncover the root causes of discomfort and improve overall sexual satisfaction. «Sometimes delayed ejaculation is simply the other side of the coin of premature ejaculation: not infrequently, in fact, men who experience premature ejaculation sometimes find themselves having the opposite difficulty. This happens because the psychological causes underlying these symptoms are often similar and overlapping.”

International Men's Day 2023: focus on sexual well-being - image 3

Photo: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels

In addition to sexual well-being, low testosterone levels can profoundly impact several aspects of male health related to a person’s mood and energy. Symptoms may include fatigue, depression and reduced muscle mass.

What to do There hormone replacement therapy (TOS) can help restore hormonal balance. However, it is essential to consult an expert to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of HRT and determine whether or not it is the right approach for you.

It is a condition characterized by formation of fibrous scar tissue in the penis, causing a painful bend or bend. In addition to the physical discomfort, it can be emotionally very difficult to deal with. Treatment options range from drug therapy to surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.

What to do «Consulting a urologist is essential to develop a tailor-made treatment plan that meets your specific needs. However, surgical and medical management should always be accompanied by adequate psycho-sexological support, to avoid increasing levels of anxiety and concern regarding one’s sexual well-being” concludes Dr. Valentina Cosmi.