Tag: practical


Living to the fullest every day: practical advice for daily well-being

Finding strategies to improve daily well-being has become essential for many of us, especially in…

Well supplied with magnesium and zinc: 10 practical tips

Vital minerals © istock.com/vgajic We need to get enough vital minerals every day. In addition…

Foods that cause gas when breastfeeding? Information & practical list

Flatulent foods are said to cause discomfort in babies when breastfeeding. Photo: BigstockYou often read…

Practical tips & legal situation in Austria • NEWS.AT

In fact, containerization health hazardsIt cannot be ruled out with absolute certainty that there are…

What should babies not eat? Practical list & all information

As soon as the solid food phase begins, the question arises: What are babies not…

Practical kitchen help: These are the best electric kitchen graters

Chopping up large amounts of food by hand can be tedious and exhausting. Especially if…