What should babies not eat? Practical list & all information

As soon as the solid food phase begins, the question arises: What are babies not allowed to eat? Photo: Bigstock

The start of the solid food phase is not only a particularly exciting time for the little ones. As parents, we often find ourselves in new territory. Many moms and dads therefore ask themselves the question: What shouldn’t babies eat? We have a practical checklist and lots of tips for a healthy and balanced baby diet.

1. Unsuitable foods: What should babies under 1 not eat?

Pamela Koch, a qualified nutritionist, has checked the content of this article.Pamela Koch, a qualified nutritionist, has checked the content of this article.Mmm, that tastes good! As soon as babies are allowed to eat solid food, they eagerly experiment and create a colorful menu. However, not all foods are actually suitable for small children at the weaning age. Some of the Products are simply super unhealthy or too smallto be eaten by babies.

For a better overview, we have provided you with a List of foods that your baby should not eat for the time being should:

fruit and vegetables

Are blueberries healthy or dangerous for my baby? Unfortunately, the latter. As with nuts, berries and the like can be dangerous if swallowed. Therefore, make sure to cut them into small pieces before offering them. Either way, unpeeled fruit and raw vegetables are extremely difficult for babies without teeth to eat. Basically, you should Always remove the peel from fruit and that Cook vegetables for better digestion. Even leaf salads are difficult for babies to chew and often stick unpleasantly to the palate. The greens are therefore always pureed in porridge, smoothie or sauce offer.

Meat and fish (raw)

You should also generally avoid giving your baby these foods. The risk of salmonella or other bacteria is simply too high. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) should Children under five years Avoid raw meat (yes, even salami!).

Dairy products

According to current recommendations, your baby may pasteurized cow’s milk from the 6th month eat, and it is best to do this when you introduce the milk-cereal porridge. The maximum amount per day at 200 ml and should not be exceeded. This means that this amount is usually already covered with the milk porridge.

Pasteurized (low-salt) cheese You can offer this to your child at the end of the first year.

The situation is different with Raw milk products for babies. Experts recommend that from the age of fiveRaw milk products may contain listeria. These bacteria can lead to listeriosis, which in turn Diarrhea, vomiting and fever results in.


Due to the risk of salmonella, raw and soft-boiled eggs Not suitable for babies. From about nine months onwards, however, you can give your baby some egg to try. But only hard boiled, please. Scrambled eggs are also generally allowed. The rule of thumb is: no more than two eggs per week.


Above all Amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat are not suitable for babies. Although the products contain a lot of high-quality protein and minerals, they also harmful substancesAmaranth, for example, contains tannins that inhibit the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Babies and toddlers under two years should not eat quinoa either. The shell contains saponins, which can irritate the intestinal mucosa. high purine content Your little worm’s kidneys can also be damaged.


Nuts are certainly healthy, but they are difficult for children to chew, so Danger of swallowing and suffocation is simply too big. You can find important tips and advice on nut allergies in children here.

Honey, sugar & co.

Did you know that foods like honey and maple syrup can contain bacteria that produce botulinum toxin? Scary. The bacteria are activated in the baby’s intestines due to a lack of stomach acid. They then multiply, produce toxins in the small intestine and lead to poisoning. The result: Your baby’s intestines will be paralyzed and in the worst case even the respiratory muscles will be affected. Therefore please: No honey or maple syrup for the baby! On classic Sweetener or Stevia should also be avoided. Here, often various additives which can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. Very foods rich in sugar are also a no-go for babies. Ideally, you should only offer them to your child when they ask for them themselves at the age of one. You can find delicious recipe ideas for healthy sweets here.


When can my baby eat salt and how much? Before their first birthday, we advise against giving your child too much salt, as this can put too much strain on their kidneys. In fact, your baby needs In the first year of life, no more than one gram of salt per day. This amount is covered by breast milk or infant formula, and purees are generally not salted

2. What should babies with intolerances not eat?

As a rule, food allergies are rare in babies and small children. However, the small body can show reactions of intolerance to certain foods, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or even skin rashes. Especially in the following three intolerances you should pay attention to what is on your sparrow’s menu:

Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)

Celiac disease in children can occur as early as twelve months of age. If your little one is affected by this chronic disease of the small intestine, absolutely avoid foods containing glutenThis includes, of course, all products containing rye, oats, wheat, barley or related grains (such as spelt or green spelt), but also various spreads, ready meals or individual sausage products. You can get even more tips on nutrition for gluten intolerance here ➤ Feeding children gluten-free: recipes and tips

Lactose intolerance

At a Lactose intolerance Lactose cannot be properly digested by the human body. Therefore, if your baby is lactose intolerant, you should use lactose-free products. It is important to note that not only conventional milk porridge contains lactose. Lactose can also be found in biscuits and yoghurt.

And another note: Alternatives such as soy milk and the like are only suitable to a limited extent for your baby and should not be given regularly.

Histamine intolerance

If your baby is affected by histamine intolerance, the The body cannot break down the messenger substance histamine from the respective foods or cannot break it down quickly enough. This causes it to enter the bloodstream via the intestinal mucosa. The result: rashes, itching, etc., etc. The list is long. There are some foods that can be eaten without any problems if you have a histamine intolerance – but your little worm will have to get used to the rest slowly. There is a particularly high amount of histamine in Spinach, tomatoes, avocado as well as wheat, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas or products containing soy … to name just a few.

3. What should babies with neurodermatitis not eat?

If your little one suffers from neurodermatitis, you should pay more attention to nutrition and consult a doctor. In addition, the following foods can lead to Worsening of skin disease as well as allergic reactions lead:

  • Cow’s milk, chicken and Soy protein
  • Products from Wheat
  • Citrus fruits
  • nuts and peanuts
  • Carrots, peppers, celery as well as tomatoes
  • Fish and Meat (especially pork and poultry)
  • industrially strong processed foods

4. What babies should not eat: A to Z list

So that you can see at a glance which foods are not suitable for your baby, we have summarized them here again as a list for you:

  • unheated maple syrup
  • alcohol
  • Eggs (raw and soft-boiled)
  • Fish (raw)
  • Meat (raw)
  • fruit juice
  • Vegetables (raw)
  • Grain
  • Spices (hot)
  • Green tea
  • unheated honey
  • Coffee
  • unpasteurized cow’s milk
  • unground nuts
  • Fruit (unpeeled)
  • Raw milk cheese
  • Salt
  • Stevia
  • sweets
  • sweetener
  • black tea
  • Sausage
  • Sugar

You can find lots more tips for a healthy diet for your child here:

What does your baby like to eat the most? Do you perhaps even have a favorite recipe that the whole family likes? We look forward to your suggestions in the comments! Write to us


Write us your tips:x

Our expert

Pamela Koch, a qualified nutritionist, has checked the content of this article.Pamela Koch, a qualified nutritionist, has checked the content of this article.Pamela Koch is Graduate nutritionist and Nutritional therapistFor 14 years she has been advising families and multipliers such as educators on the topics Allergy prevention, nutrition during pregnancy and Breastfeeding as well as of infants and children.

In cooperation with established pediatricians and midwives, she has now advised more than 2,000 families. As mother of three are the healthy eating and the therapeutic support of families especially close to their hearts.

Here you can find more information, tips and recipes on baby nutrition.

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