Tag: social


Increasing employee well-being is the solution to many social problems

The signs of tension are worsening, with no signs of remedies. We are talking about…

Increasing employee well-being is the solution to many social problems

The signs of tension are worsening, with no signs of remedies. We are talking about…

Increasing employee well-being is the solution to many social problems

The signs of tension are worsening, with no signs of remedies. We are talking about…

Social progress and well-being of local communities, the province of Varese grows and gains six positions

Varese gains six positions in the general ranking of Italian provinces for social progressclimbing to…

Addiction to social media, Caterina Valentino: «My masterclasses to promote mental well-being and kindness»

Catherine Valentinojournalist, television and radio host, as well as one of the most prominent figures…

“Plant-based nutrition has a promising future because there is more social awareness”

Amelia Plato, former contestant of MasterChef and nutritionist expert, combines his love for cooking with…