Lat first summer fruit and vegetables, aromatic plants, vegetables to sow: the June shopping list and the recipes of the month to bring the best seasonal foods to the table

With the arrival of June the sun’s rays are getting decidedly hotter. Summer begins, the longer days bring a desire for the sea and thirst-quenching foods. There fruit and vegetables they are abundant, they help us hydrate the body without weighing us down, giving us the right nutritional intake. And then, to cheer up the season, there are also the summer flavors and colors of foods. Red, orange, green, yellow: you’re spoiled for choice! Here you are how to make a shopping list for June and recipes to try to bring the best seasonal products to the table.

June fruit and vegetables

It is important that the products are fresh (possibly untreated), because they have a taste more intense and organoleptic properties still intact. This way is also possible save and respect theenvironmentlimiting unnecessary waste of energy for greenhouses and their maintenance. What appears? Below is one list of fruit and vegetables to buy in June and all the best recipes to try.

Seasonal products in June

As thesummerhere is a list of all the products purchased and consumed in the month of June:

  • greens and greens: garlic, agretti, asparagus, beets, chard, borage, broccoli, carrots, cauliflowers, onions, cabbage, artichokes, cucumbers, chicory, turnip greens, onions, beans, green beans, broad beans, fennel, courgette flowers, friggitelli, nuts, mushrooms, endive, gentle lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, curly lettuce, lettuce, dried legumes, aubergines, nettles, potatoes, new potatoes, peppers, peas, tomatoes, leeks, rhubarb, radicchio, turnips, radishes, rocket, shallots , escarole, celery, soncino, spinach, snow peas, dandelion, lamb’s lettuce, courgettes;
  • herbs: basil, lemongrass, watercress, chives, marjoram, mint, parsley, sage, thyme, valerian, saffron;
  • fruit: apricots, black cherries, watermelon, bananas, cherries, figs, strawberries, berries, kiwis, lemons, apples, melons, mulberries, medlars, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, currants, plums, gooseberries.

June shopping list: seasonal vegetables

June is a special month for the wealth of vegetables it gives us, as we have seen in the previous list: courgettes, aubergines, but also beans and salads of all kinds. Let’s see the best seasonal vegetables to put in your cart.


The undisputed queens of the summer months are the zuchinis. Their reign begins in June and they offer the best version both as vegetables and as inflorescences, in fact theirs flower it is excellent for preparing tasty stuffed pancakes. Furthermore, these vegetables are rich in folate, potassium, vitamins A and C. They have a very low caloric intake and in addition the yellow peel varieties also contain carotenoids, which perform a very important anti-tumor function. Eat them before going out in the sun: you will have a bomb-proof tan, keeping your skin young and hydrated.

June shopping list: Eggplants

Alongside courgettes, June gives us the very first delicious ones eggplant. Low in fat, they are unfortunately able to absorb it if cooked with plenty of extra virgin olive oil. They are also a good source of fiber and folic acid and provide a rich load of antioxidants. We are talking about an easily perishable food, so remember to consume your aubergines within a couple of days of purchase. Furthermore, they should absolutely not be eaten raw due to the abundant presence of solanine, a toxic substance for the human body.


June is the perfect month for cooking and eating green beans. What else are they but the immature pods of the bean, but they have very different properties from these legumes. They are low in calories, have few carbohydrates and few proteins. But they are rich in mineral salts, fibre, vitamin A and potassium. If you suffer from constipation, they are the natural remedy for you. Thanks to their fresh flavor they are excellent if consumed at room temperature with oil, salt, garlic and basil. For a richer meal try them with potatoes and eggs.

June shopping list: New potatoes

A real gem on the June shopping list are the new potatoes. Also called early potatoes, these tubers are harvested before they are fully ripe. They are small and, unlike larger potatoes, have a thin skin and soft flesh. They stand out from the others because they have a more delicate flavor and a low calorie content. They can be cooked with the peel. To clean them, simply scrub them well under running water. Try them roasted in the oven, steamed or sauté in the pan: they will be the extra touch for your first summer dinners. They are also perfect for making gnocchi.

Salads and other vegetables

Don’t miss it on your June shopping list too asparagus, chicory, rocket, lettuce, radishes And rhubarbthe last Fava beans hey peas, beets, carrots, spring onions, tomatoes early and celery.

Asparagus detox benefits

June shopping list: seasonal fruit

Even the shopping list for seasonal fruit is no exception. In June, in fact, the market stalls are filled with colorful and truly juicy fruit.


Hot from the sun, juicy, protagonists of the fruit salad in June: we are talking about apricots. Be careful: it is a fruit that perishes quickly. So consume them quickly after purchasing them. You will fill up on vitamin B, C, PP, carotenoids, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamin A, a real panacea for skin, hair and nails. Be careful not to overuse it: it is a natural laxative. The best way to preserve this fruit and bring its flavor into the winter? Prepare a rich one apricot jam.

June shopping list: Peaches

Another summer fruit that awaits us in June, a symbol of summer, is the fishing. You can choose from many varieties and you will still have a bouquet of aromas, sweet and fleshy pulp, but above all refreshing. In fact, peach is rich in water and, despite its sugary taste, it has a low calorie content, so it is excellent in any diet. Furthermore, it has diuretic, laxative and purifying properties and is rich in vitamins A and C. If cooked in the form of jampeaches will keep you company all winter long.

5 benefits of peaches


We know well that they are irresistible, but also consumed in small quantities cherries they’re right. In fact, they have properties anti-inflammatory And relaxing, thanks to the presence of melatonin. Furthermore, they are an excellent natural anti-cellulite. The high presence of potassium, magnesium and fibre, as well as the low caloric intake make this fruit perfect for diuresis. If you suffer from leg swelling, the cherries I’m the perfect ally. Also, he reminds you not to throw away the peduncles: if infused, you can obtain deflating decoctions, very effective in reducing water retention.

June shopping list: Medlars

Summer is the best time to take care of your intestines, thanks to the fruits that appear in the fruit stand. Among these are the medlars. Their slightly acidic flavor makes them unpopular, but it is an incredibly refreshing fruit rich in beneficial properties. If you love ripe medlars, eating them will help the regularity of your intestine: all thanks to the fibre. If you prefer unripe medlars instead, these will have an astringent effect. Here are some ideas for using them medlars in desserts.

Among the fruits available in June, also put them in your cart strawberries juicy, i Kiwi and the first ones summer pears.

Shopping list: medlars

What to grow on the balcony or in the vegetable garden in June

June it is the ideal period for sowing aromatic plants such as basil, parsley and sage. But you can have fun transplanting still in the garden are vegetables such as tomatoes, green beans, lettuce, curly endive, lettuce, escarole, celery, leeks and carrots. Furthermore, you can start sowing the first vegetables of winter: cabbage, cauliflower, fennel and especially pumpkins.

If the vegetable garden is your passion and you have already planted seeds and seedlings in the last monthsJune is the ideal month to harvest fresh garlic, basil, beetroot, chard, carrot, cabbage, chickpeas, onion, daikon, curly endive and cutting lettuce, dwarf green beans, melon, parsley, rocket and courgettes.

What to cook in June

As we have seen, in the month of June the fruit and vegetable department is filled with new super interesting ingredients such as asparagus (already in circulation since spring), agretti, fresh garlic, aubergines, courgettes and peppers. Cherries are also arriving, which are enjoyed in season practically only in this very limited period of the year, and which are excellent for making preserves and desserts. Below you will find simple, economical recipes within everyone’s reach. These are tasty and balanced preparations that are prepared quickly and do not require expensive expenditure. Furthermore, making a balanced weekly menu is very useful for organizing your kitchen and shopping list.