Our vegan shopping list serves as help and inspiration for your next shopping trip. It contains all the basics you need for vegan cooking. Here are the foods that should not be missing from any vegan shopping list.

This vegan shopping list is intended to serve as inspiration serve, which you can of course always send to your own needs and recipe ideas. This way you can make your vegan cuisine individual, sustainable and healthy. The key to a successful diet, whether vegan or not, lies in a diverse selection of fresh, preferably unprocessed foods.

That a vegan diet leads to undersupply and deficiencies, is not necessarily correct. What you are most likely to be lacking is Vitamin B12as it is mainly found in fish, dairy products and eggs. If you are following a purely vegan diet, you may need to supplement your vitamin B12 with Dietary supplements Talk to a doctor about it.

The elephant’s share on your vegan shopping list: vegetables

Fresh vegetables should make up the largest part of your vegan shopping list.
Fresh vegetables should make up the largest part of your vegan shopping list.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / SvenHilker)

Your healthy vegan diet should consist mostly of fresh vegetables Ideally three portions (about 400 grams) per day. Buy seasonal, regional and from organic farmingto avoid synthetic pesticides that can harm the environment and your health.

Remember: Conventional vegetables are better than no vegetables at all. The best place to buy fresh, regional and seasonal vegetables is at the Weekly market or in Organic food storeYou can now also find unpackaged organic vegetables in many conventional supermarkets.

You should spend a large portion of it eat raw or gently fermentso that the vitamins and Minerals do not get lost.

Must haves:

  • Seasonal salads
  • potatoes
  • Spinach (frozen possible)
  • Onions

Expand your must-haves individually with the current seasonal vegetables. The Seasonal calendar offers you a reference point and inspiration for your shopping list.

Tip: Many vegetables can also be grown in your own garden or even on your balcony:

Vegan shopping list: Fruit in as many different colors as possible

Colorful seasonal fruit should not be missing from your vegan shopping list.
Colorful seasonal fruit should not be missing from your vegan shopping list.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / JillWellington)

You can find fruit in all colors of the rainbow. Each color brings different nutrients. Eat as varied as possible! Fruit is due to the Carotenoids particularly rich in secondary plant substancesRaw fruit also provides you with more nutrients than cooked fruit.

Must-haves here are all fruits that are seasonal and regional:

  • Apples
  • Local berries, e.g. Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberriescurrants, gooseberries, juniper berries
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Pears
  • Oranges (look for oranges from other European countries)

The same applies here: adapt your vegan shopping list by favoring regional and seasonal fruits.

Tip: Simply freeze fruits that are in season for later use. This way you will always have frozen fruit on hand for delicious smoothies. However, you should avoid fruits that contain a lot of water. do not freezeWe have tips on how to properly Freeze plastic-free can.

Dry goods should not be missing from the vegan shopping list

Dry ingredients also belong on the vegan shopping list.
Dry ingredients also belong on the vegan shopping list.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / yilmazfatih)

Not only fruit and vegetables should go into your vegan shopping basket, but also dry ingredients. These include the following:

1. Proteins:

Proteins supply the body with essential amino acidswhich it needs to build muscles, organs, cartilage, bones, skin, hair and nails.

Must Haves

  • Beans: Black, white or Kidney beans
  • tofu: Smoked, fermented or home-marinated
  • Pseudo-nuts: These are called nuts, but actually belong to a different food group, for example peanutswhich are actually legumes.
  • Tempeh (Fermentation product from soy)
  • Chickpeas: Baked from the oven or as Hummus.
  • lenses: Red, green or beluga: As a lukewarm salad, as noodles or dal.
  • Yeast flakes: Can be used as a cheese substitute, parmesan-like taste.

A note about pulses: Buy them dry and cook them yourself, then they are cheaper and available in bulk stores in any quantity. By the way: Legumes are also one of many Causes of flatulence.

2. Healthy fats:

Monounsaturated fatty acids are easily digestible and well-tolerated. They help to break down the fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K protect the organs and also have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. So: Don’t be afraid of the right fat! When using oils, choose those with a favorable fatty acid spectrum. This will ensure that the intake of Omega 3 and Omega-6-Fatty acids are also included. Vegetable fats, such as those found in olive oil, are also included.

Must Haves

  • Walnuts: As a snack or as a porridge topping
  • linseed oil: In the smoothie or in the muesli
  • Regional superfood: Flax seeds instead of chia seeds from abroad, these contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Hemp seeds: Over muesli or in a smoothie
  • Tahini: For sauces or mixed with date syrup as a spread.
  • Nut butter: In porridge or smoothie
  • Seeds & kernels: In the salad or as granola

3. Carbohydrates:

carbohydrates are the Main energy suppliers for our body and should therefore not be missing from the vegan shopping list. We need carbohydrates to maintain our brain, breathing, metabolism, heart rate and body temperature. If we exercise, we need even more of them.

Must Haves

Herbs and spices add variety to your vegan shopping list

A vegan shopping list includes aromatic herbs and spices.
A vegan shopping list includes aromatic herbs and spices.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / monicore)

We use herbs and spices primarily for The tasteIn medicine they have long been known as Remedies They are also essential in vegan cooking and should not be missing from your vegan shopping list. Cooking without animal protein means seasoning with a diversity of herbs and spices to provide a complex, deep flavor.

Must Haves

The vegan shopping list replaces animal products with plant-based alternatives

Milk alternatives should also be on your vegan shopping list.
Milk alternatives should also be on your vegan shopping list.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / bigfatcat)

Milk, yoghurt and cheese are the most frequently mentioned when people are asked what they think they cannot live without. However, there are now excellent alternatives Replacement productsHowever, the following should be noted for the vegan shopping list: Unsweetened and a list of ingredients that is as short as possible.

Replacement products:

The following applies: Less is more! You don’t need a lot of vegan substitutes. Processed vegan substitutes often contain countless additives. A vegan shopping list should primarily consist of colorful fruits, vegetables and legumes.

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Revised by Lea Hermann

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