With low temperatures, you need to drink hot broths and soups. It is recommended to avoid ultra-processed foods and consume natural vegetables (Getty Images)

With the low autumn temperatures and the winter, the human body usually needs more calories to stay warm. Eat more pasta, soups with meat and hot sausages It may be attractive at the moment. However, the cold should not be an excuse not to continue a feeding healthy.

In winter, people may feel more appetite: more desire to eat a food that is pleasurable such as candies, chocolates and pastry products due to their high content of fats and sugars.

But the Argentine Nutrition Society recommends that its consumption should only be occasional and in small portions. Instead, They do emphasize consuming typical fruits and vegetables of the season. “The desire to eat high-calorie foods is inversely proportional to the drop in temperatures at this time of year. Therefore, caloric intake is naturally increased on cold days because our body is trying to maintain a constant body temperature,” he told Infobae Gabriela Saadgraduate in nutrition and coordinator of the food research group of the Argentine Nutrition Society.

Low temperatures are usually associated with an increase in the consumption of high-calorie meals and foods.

But to maintain a healthy body weight, you can include all foods adapting the way of preparation of those that cannot be consumed cold, commented Saad.

“As for chocolates and pastry mixes, it is always advisable to moderate their consumption. Since there is scientific evidence that the population is consuming more simple sugars and fats than necessary to maintain optimal health,” he warned.

Consuming foods with iron and vitamin B 12 in adequate levels is a way to prevent anemia, a disorder that makes the person feel colder (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The body needs to burn fuel to keep body temperature up, especially when it’s cold. It is advisable to eat at least one hot meal a day and consume fruits, vegetables and other unprocessed foods.

In your daily diet, you must ensure an adequate intake of iron and vitamin B 12. If levels are not optimal, you can suffer from anemia, which means you have too few red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. That can make you feel colder.

“In autumn and winter,” said Saad, “you can replace raw vegetables with steamed ones, to preserve their vitamin and mineral content as much as possible. You can also make other preparations such as vegetable souffle, pudding and panaché.”

Meanwhile, in dialogue with Infobae Marianela Aguirre Ackermanndoctor specializing in nutrition, associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of the Northeast (UNNE) and the Favaloro University, highlighted these three tips:

  1. Consume hot drinks to hydrate: Drinking infusions such as tea, mate, coffee or broths helps increase internal body temperature.
  2. Keep active: a recommendation for those who work sitting: stand up every 30 minutes and walk or do movements in place for 2-4 minutes. Physical activity helps generate body heat and improves circulation.
  3. When it is cold the body seems to “demand” more energy. Salads are less accepted. However, vegetables should be included because in winter the immune system must be strengthened to prevent respiratory symptoms. Vegetables can be used in warm or hot preparations.
Pregnant people sometimes have lower levels of iron, because their body uses more than normal. It is recommended to consume chicken, eggs or fish (Christin Klose/dpa)

Some people do not get enough vitamin B12 from food or do not absorb it easily. In these cases, you should consult with a health professional.

Pregnant women sometimes have lower levels of iron, because their bodies use more than normal. Vitamin B12 can be obtained by consuming chicken, eggs or fish. Iron is found in chicken, pork, seafood, chickpeas, and green leafy vegetables.

With the cold, some people tend to consume more junk food (Illustrative Image Infobae).

Although with low temperatures, we tend to select foods that are higher in calories than usual, we should not forget the consumption of fresh vegetables. The lettuce and tomato salad is starting to look unattractive. It is a common mistake that can lead to excess weight at the end of winter.

It may seem obvious, but in the winter recommends eating hot dishessomething very different from dishes hypercaloric. A preparation can be at a smoking temperature without excess fats or sugars.

should be consumed hot vegetables and combine them with meat, fish, chicken, legumes or pasta. In the case of fruits, citrus They are very good because they provide vitamin C. You must consume plenty of warm liquid such as vegetable soup, broth, or tea.

Breakfast should include dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese) or cookies, fat-free bread and some natural fruit juice.

The 5 vegetables that are recommended in autumn and winter are:

Chard is one of the winter vegetables / Freepik

It contains proteins, fiber, iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium, folates, vitamin C and vitamin A. It is a food with high nutritional value and low caloric intake. Provides soluble fiber that promotes intestinal transit and prevents constipation

It is rich in water, vitamins A, B, C and K, folic acid, fiber and potassium. Helps lose weight and reduce appetite

It contains antioxidant carotene, a component that can influence the prevention of heart disease, cancer and other conditions.

It is rich in vitamins A and C, folic acid, potassium and iron. It is one of the vegetables with the highest nutritional value. “Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onion, garlic and bell pepper can be used for fillings in pies,” Saad said.

Its dark and strong color is due to pigments called betalains. It has high antioxidant power. It also includes tryptophan that helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that relaxes the mind and relieves stress. Serotonin also regulates sleep

Meanwhile, the fruits that are recommended for autumn and winter are:

Banana consumption prevents anemia, among other benefits (Getty)

It is a source of carbohydrates and provides vitamins and minerals. It protects the heart, helps reduce fatigue and tiredness, prevents anemia, stimulates the nervous system and regulates intestinal function.

It provides a large amount of vitamin C, potassium and smaller amounts of other vitamins and minerals. In addition, it has the property of improving healing and the function of the immune system.

The consumption of tangerines helps to combat cholesterol, constipation, blood pressure, dehydration, obesity and stress.

Provides vitamin C and A, folates, fiber and potassium. It is good for constipation and helps fight anemia.

This fruit has vitamins A, B, C and K, minerals such as copper, iron, potassium and magnesium, as well as healthy acids. Its peel contains phytonutrients and vitamins that protect the body from harmful free radicals. It helps strengthen bones and improve digestion.

Consuming alcohol to avoid being cold can be counterproductive/File

In the event of an extreme cold event, the National Metereological Service of Argentina advised that avoid prolonged exposure outdoors. More body heat must be generated: it should walk, get up and sit, move the limbs, and drink a lot of liquid.

The harmful use of alcohol During extreme cold it generates a false sensation of heat due to the dilation of blood vessels. This effect of alcohol accelerates heat loss throughout the body and there is a risk of hypothermia.

This means that the consumption of alcoholic beverages does not help fight the cold, but on the contrary exposes the body to any adverse reaction that may occur.

“Movement during the fall and winter should not be forgotten. A walk, yoga at home, and exercises that increase muscle strength, mobility, and flexibility have no season. They are suggested all year round, without excuses,” said Ms. Saad.