In April and May the wild herbs they are still green and there are many edible flowers available, a gift to be transformed into appetizing recipes. The wild plants they are suitable for making simple and easy to prepare dishes special. The taste and good health properties of the many edible herbs that grow around us allow us to bring unusual foods to the table at low costs.

Six recipes with wild herbs

In this article I have collected six recipes with wild herbs, using plants that are easy to find this season. We will see the recipes of:

  • spreadable with alliaria
  • mallow omelette
  • peas with mint
  • plantain pesto
  • elderberry sorbet
  • sweet roll with romice

Spreadable with alliaria (Alliaria petiolata)

Alliaria is a plant that belongs to the brassicacee family, i.e. the cabbage family, but has a characteristic garlic aroma, therefore it can be used to impart its scent to many dishes, without incurring the contraindications of garlic. It is more digestible and does not affect breath.

Its leaves and seeds are eaten. The latter resemble those of mustard and can be used in the same way. We suggest using its raw leaves to flavor various dishes. They can simply be added to salads or used to flavor spreadable cheeses.

Its finely chopped leaves can be mixed with cheeses with a creamy structure, including ricotta. This soft and flavored cream can be spread on bread by adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and for spicy lovers some chilli powder.

Alliaria Petiolata

Alliaria Petiolata, flower

Mallow omelette (Malva sylvestris)

There mauve an easy plant to encounter and well known for its health properties, it is anti-inflammatory, calming, emollient, laxative and antioxidant. Her infusions (the famous one mallow water) are a remedy for many ailments, but we must remember that its leaves, and the other parts of the plant, can also give satisfaction in the kitchen.

Mallow leaves, for example, can be used to cook a classic vegetable omelette. The leaves should be washed, blanched for a few minutes in water, drained and sautéed in a pan with garlic and oil. Once the cooking water has evaporated, you can pour in the beaten eggs. For an extra touch, you can add a little toasted sesame seeds to the eggs.

Peas with mint

Mint (in its varieties), when it finds suitable soil, multiplies disproportionately and becomes almost infesting. It’s a wonder just to smell it as you pass by it, but it’s also a pleasure to take advantage of this abundant resource in the kitchen. A few mint leaves can simply be added to drinking water. It will impart perfume and mineral salts. But mint lends itself to more complex recipes.

Mint has, among others, analgesic, anesthetic, antiseptic and digestive properties. It goes well with many dishes which it enriches with its aroma: it goes well in salads, sauces, omelettes, meat and fish dishes, soups and various drinks. It can also be used to enrich a simple pea side dish.

We take 1 kg of shelled peas, preferably fresh, and boil in salted water. Drain and transfer to a bowl, adding 30 g of butter, 1 tablespoon of finely chopped mint leaves, 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. The butter can be replaced with oil and the sugar eliminated, for a less caloric side dish.

course on wild herbs.  Click to find out morecourse on wild herbs.  Click to find out more

course on wild herbs. Click on the photo to find out more

Plantain pesto (Plantago lanceolata or Plantago major)

There plantain it is easy to meet and is available in all seasons, although it is more tender in spring and autumn. It gives off a scent of porcini mushrooms and is rich in nutrients such as fibre, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C. It is eaten both raw and cooked and a convenient way to take advantage of its properties is to transform it into pesto, to season pasta or prepare croutons. In this way it can be consumed raw, without the discomfort of its fibrousness.

To make pesto you can use an old-fashioned mortar or an electric blender which reduces our work. The leaves are collected and, if available, inflorescences are also added; once washed, they are blended or crushed with garlic, EVO oil, almonds and salt. The cream that emerges is excellent for seasoning pasta, rice or spread on a slice of toast.

lanceolate plantainlanceolate plantain

lanceolate plantain (Plantago lanceolata)

Elderberry sorbet (Sambucus nigra)

L’white inflorescence of elderberry it is a spring delicacy. It is suitable for making syrups, fried in batter and desserts. Elderflowers also have various properties, they are rich in flavonoids, vitamin C and organic acids. In case of fever they promote sweating and therefore allow the body temperature to be lowered. They are also recommended to deal with colds, coughs and bronchitis. They are also useful for soothing gingivitis and relieving toothache. The flowers can also be dried to prepare infusions.

With elderflowers you can also prepare a sorbet.

Procedure for elderberry sorbet

For one liter of water you need:

  • two clusters of flowers
  • 350 g of sugar
  • a lemon
  • the white of an egg

First prepare the syrup by bringing water and sugar to the boil. Pour it over the elderflowers and leave to cool. The liquid is filtered, the lemon juice is added and then everything is transferred to the freezer. Whip the egg white until stiff and mix it with the juice that we have left to cool before it freezes. Take the mixture out of the freezer twice to turn it so that it remains creamy. It is served with one decoration of mint leaves.


elderflowers. Also excellent for syrup

Sweet romice roll (Rumex sorrel)

The young leaves of this species of romice, also known as sorrel, have a particularly tasty sour flavour. They have properties anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, purifying, diuretic and refreshing. They can be used raw or cooked, here we will use them cooked to make a typical Northern European dessert.

The tender leaves are used, eliminating the long stalk. To make the dessert you will need a lot of them because they shrink during cooking. For every 250g of romice you need 100g of sugar.

Ingredients for the dough

  • Approximately 500 g of flour
  • 250 ml milk (or water)
  • 15 g of fresh yeast
  • 25g butter or margarine
  • 20 g of vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
romice rollromice roll

recipe with wild herbs: romice roll. From the Facebook page Navigando nel Verde

Dissolve the yeast in slightly warmed milk, add oil, butter, salt and sugar. Knead until it stops being sticky. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 and a half hours. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin to create a layer about 4 millimeters thick. Spread the romice leaves without stalks, creating a thick layer and sprinkle a layer of sugar on top. Then spread a second layer of leaves with sugar on top. Thus create 3 or 4 layers, distributing all the prepared sugar. Roll the dough carefully and loosely. The roll should appear fairly flat, oval. Close the edge of the cake by pinching the dough and leave to rest for 10-15 minutes. Before putting the cake in the oven, brush its surface with lightly beaten egg, using a brush and decorate with sesame seeds.
Bake at 180° for 30-40 minutes.

Alternative method with dry yeast
If you prefer to create the dough with dry yeast, you can follow this recipe:

  • Approximately 375 g of flour
  • 175 ml of carbonated water
  • 175 ml of warm milk
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 3 grams of yeast
  • A pinch of salt

Alternatively, you can also use ready-made shortcrust pastry.

Crepes stuffed with romice
If, however, you really don’t want to have to deal with the dough, you can simplify everything by creating crêpes stuffed with romice. In this case, pass the finely chopped romice leaves over the pan, adding the sugar and roll the mixture into the crepes.

Francesca Della Giovampaola

The recipes are taken or inspired by various texts:
The lawn on the table, by Dafne Chanaz, ed. New earth
Going for Erbette, by Paola Mancini, ed. of Baldo
Facebook page Navigando nel Verde, by Wateki Taliana Tobert

Read also
Edible wild herbs
Wild flowers and herbs useful in the garden
Nettle, herb with many uses
How to make nettle macerate for plants
Wild herbs in May, 5 plants to collect
Purslane, cultivation, characteristics and recipes
Nepeta: characteristics, recognition and recipes

Free guide
Wild herbs collection table

5 wild herbs to recognize (ebook)

Video course
Course on wild herbs

Video on wild herbs
We do foraging, we know three wild herbs
Wild herbs in the garden, a resource to be harvested

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