For functional medicine, the key to good health is in daily habits (Gettyimages)

Functional medicine considers the organism as a whole, proposes a comprehensive and personalized approach to health and its focus is on preventive medicinewhich seeks to get to the root cause of the disease.

The habits They are a key key to reach the healthy longevityFor this reason, functional medicine works on a personalized medical approach, since diseases are embodied in a patient who has their own medical history, lifestyle, and personal environment.

The doctor Florence Raelea functional and integrative doctor and professional in the field, explained to Infobae: “Functional medicine is based on bioindividuality, the doctor analyzes all the patient’s individual variables. No one is the same as another and taking into account their personal characteristics and medical history, it is approached in an integrative way, precisely emphasizing the habits to prevent disease instead of curing it once installed. It is truly preventive medicine.”

Functional medicine is not paternalistic, the doctor is a guide for the patient

The specialist, author of the books Ancestral and Epigenetic Medicine, Holistic Nutrition and Preventive medicine in your kitchen, He added: “Functional medicine belongs to doctors, but all health professionals can develop it in some way. This discipline is exercised, It is not something that does or does have to be studied, as long as one has the knowledge of how to approach a patient in an integrative way. “It’s a change of mind.”

In this framework, and with the objective of “not getting sick but prevent it with habits”, on August 26 and 27 the first Functional Medicine Festival which will take place at the Sans Souci Palace, in the town of Victoria, Buenos Aires district of San Fernando, and will feature talks by health and nutrition professionals. There will also be breathing workshops, yoga, constellations, cryotherapy, body composition and more proposals aimed at all interested audiences.

In summary, through functional medicine it is possible to learn to achieve comprehensive well-being with multiple tools and develop a lifestyle that returns to what is natural, to be protagonists of our lives without leaving aside the focus on prevention.

It is very important to stay active during the day with basic movements such as walking or practicing yoga to stimulate the body (Getty)

Experts point out that among the numerous benefits of the practice are:

– He patient takes control of their health with professional follow-up.

– It is not a paternalistic medicine, but the doctor is a guide.

– It is not a medicine that is stipulated with protocols, but rather each patient is bioindividual and has a different handling.

– It is based a lot on the habits, It greatly improves them in terms of quality.

– Wanted avoid illness.

Florencia Raele, a nutrition specialist with training in orthomolecular medicine, clinical psychoneuroimmunology and stress medicine, developed a series of recommendations to help interested people acquire habits and tools to prevent diseases and achieve a better quality of life.

These are their recommendations:

The doctor advised eating real food, creating routines and planning your diet.

1. Eat real food: The ideal is to base the diet on foods with a single ingredient, which predominates in the dish to be eaten, thus avoiding the abuse of ultra-processed foods. Animal meats and derivatives, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, spices and algae are just some examples of single-ingredient foods.

2. Generate routines: The body acts in advance, which is why it is important to have marked routines that are directly allied to habits. If you establish them, it is easier to automate healthy habits later.

3. The importance of planning: Many people, no matter how much they have the knowledge and know what they have to do, sometimes forget that planning is key, precisely to know, for example, that when there is no time one has food prepared. Anticipating habits and having food, exercise and everything planned out is essential to having a routine.

It is important to drink liquids throughout the day, according to needs and make sure that the water we are drinking has minerals (Getty Images)

4- Hydration yes, but be careful with stimulating liquids: You have to hydrate throughout the day, but without overdoing it because that hinders digestion. On the other hand, try to avoid stimulating drinks, such as coffee, mate or tea, after 2:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. since the half-life of these stimulants is 6 hours on average and they cause sleep to be interrupted. Beyond the common belief that you should drink 2 liters of water a day, the amount must be customized according to liquid losses and make sure the water we are drinking has minerals. Beyond the quantity, the quality.

5. Exercise: Beyond planned physical activity, it is very important to stay active during the day with basic movements such as walk and daily chores to take advantage of stimulating the body. To incorporate strength exercises in the routine is also something that is not always kept in mind and that is important to maintain muscle mass that declines with age.

6. Contact with nature or earth (grounding): Take the time even just a few minutes a day every day to come into contact with the earth barefoot. This generates antioxidant power in the body and balances our loads. Nowadays we are very lacking in contact with nature and just a few minutes provide many health benefits.

The doctor recommended taking time to get in touch with nature

7. Take advantage of sunlight in the mornings and avoid artificial light at night: This point is very important to regulate the internal clocks that we have in the body. During the day, you should expose yourself to natural sunlight and when the sun goes down, try to abstain from artificial light so that the body receives the signal that it is night and can rest well.

8. Digestive rest: The digestive part of our body needs a minimum of 12 hours to be able to repair itself and detoxify the body in an ideal way, from dinner to the first meal in the morning.

9. Finding yourself in community: Being alone or feeling alone has a lot of negative repercussions on your health and it is key to have a group or community that can be friends, family or a group with whom you share something in common and feel accompanied.

10. Stress management: It could be said that it is the most relevant point on the list. Find a practice that helps manage emotions and achieve daily balance, especially in a world in which we are exposed to different tense situations without realizing it.

Keep reading:

What is functional medicine and why habits are the key to achieving healthy longevity
Seven healthy behaviors to successfully achieve well-being, according to neuroscience
“Silver generation”: those over 60 seek to develop more and more healthy habits