You can eat well, in quantity and without looking askance at the scale. In fact, we can reduce the forcefulness of the meals and the caloric intake if we manage to introduce fiber and protein, and work with a little restraint. In this sense, certain winter seasonal foodsand others that can be easily found on supermarket shelves, are an unbeatable option because they guarantee a good nutritional contribution, are satiating and avoid high calorie intake.

“Opting for seasonal foods not only contributes to a greater freshness and flavor, but also translates into nutritional benefits. During winter, nature provides us with a variety of products that can be strategic allies in maintaining a balanced diet. With the cold and lack of sun, our body demands more nutrients and vitamin C. All the better, because it is the season for vegetables rich in minerals, such as leeks, cabbages or spinach, and for citrus fruits full of vitamin C, such as oranges, tangerines or persimmons, etc.,” explains Dr. Yaiza Acosta Chinea, sports doctor and nutrition expert, who regularly collaborates with Marnys.

“He winter It is time for fruits and vegetables from plants that tolerate the cold very well and especially vegetables that are grown underground appear. Furthermore, with the change in temperatures our appetites in the kitchen also change: we prefer hotter and spoon-fed dishes, such as soups, stews, creams and purees,” adds Dr. Acosta, who especially praises kale and pumpkin.

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“The kale, rich in fiber and vitamins, is an excellent option to add to salads. Its crunchy texture and distinctive flavor make it a healthy and delicious accompaniment. The pumpkinFor its part, loaded with antioxidants and low in calories, it can be incorporated into soups or purees that add flavor without compromising the diet. Its versatility makes it an outstanding option,” he says.

The importance of green leafy vegetables

As we have mentioned before, at this time green leafy vegetables such as those mentioned by the expert, but also escarole, chard or broccoli, are excellent and can be easily incorporated into any type of menu. “Everything that is ingested green leafy vegetablewhether in soup, in a salad or as part of another preparation, it is beneficial because it will provide us with a lot of fiber and that will cause mechanical satiety to begin to act and we will have less desire to eat,” he shares. Roberto Oliver Bolivarclinical and sports nutritionist, and expert in high-performance sports nutrition.

On the same line it shows Teresa Solanasnursing assistant at the Puerta De Hierro Majadahonda University Hospital (Madrid) and professor at ILERNA of the Higher Degree in Dietetics.

“There are certain foods that, due to their low caloric content, allow us to have a free intake such as green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach or kale) and other greens or vegetables (lettuce, cucumber, zucchini or mushrooms) that, when ingested in a larger volume, stimulate the satiety centers, a desired benefit in weight loss,” indicates the expert. , which highlights that “with few calories, they provide many vitamins, minerals and fiber.”

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But not only vegetables are part of a balanced diet, lean meats such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, and even beef or pork depending on the type of cut, are good options to prioritize fiber and protein. As they are also fish such as salmon, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, or cod, low in calories and high in protein. In the same way, it is worth paying attention to fruits such as oranges, tangerines, already mentioned, kiwi or avocado.

The case of fruit

Of course, if the goal is to lose weight, several aspects must be taken into account. Although there is no better time than another to eat fruitYes, you have to pay attention to the context and circumstances of each person. “An overweight or obese person, who is also likely to be sedentary, may have insulin resistance and therefore it is not advisable to introduce a large amount of fruit that is low in fiber and has a high sugar content,” comments Roberto Oliver. Bolivar.

“A solution for these specific cases,” he continues, “would be to reduce the amount of fruit and add protein or fiber foods such as green leafy vegetables and even whole grains to the equation. But above all, the mixture with protein or a healthy fat will cause the glycemic index to be lower. reduce speed with which the body transforms food into sugar,” adds the expert, who advises paying attention to the type of fruit you eat since, within the framework of a weight loss strategy, it is preferable to eat it with the skin.

Although he also emphasizes that we must know how to differentiate between what is the glycemic index and the glycemic load. For example, watermelon has a high glycemic index, which is related to the body’s ability to transform food into sugar, but then it has a low glycemic load because since it provides a lot of water, its sugar content is low.

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In any case, as you have seen, there is a wide variety of foods that can be incorporated into the diet without being too aware of the Caloric intake and its impact on the scale. In any case, you must always act with a certain moderation and try to apply a little common sense both when choosing foods and planning different menus because our body is not incompatible with variety. On the contrary, we need everything. Except ultra-processed.

Headshot of Álvaro Piqueras

Álvaro Piqueras is a sports expert and in the last five years he has specialized in fitness, nutrition and other health topics. Try to stay up to date with new research and trends in the fields you master to be able to rigorously share the training routine that can inspire a change in your habits, the properties of the foods that should be part of your diet or scientific findings that can improve the physical and mental well-being of people like you.

He began his career in local and regional media in the land of Don Quixote, specifically in Albacete. From there he made the leap to national media after an enriching time at a wonderful independent advertising agency named after a Beatles song (GettingBetter), although he always kept his journalistic vocation intact.

Hence, he pursued his dream of working for one of the main publishing groups in the country such as Prisa, Vocento and now also Hearst. Perhaps you have read him in the digital version of Diario As, addressing countless topics, or in ABC and other newspapers and magazines of the group, preparing branded content reports for large brands, multinationals and institutions. And if you haven’t had the chance, now is the time to do it at Men’s Health and Runner’s World.

As it could not be otherwise, he confesses to being a lover of sports and from a very young age he has tried disciplines as diverse as athletics, football, basketball, tennis, cycling or swimming. Sometimes he is feeling the adrenaline of the competition, and other times he is simply enjoying the benefits of physical activity. He has now taken up functional exercises and boxing because he is certain that the bag is incapable of hitting him back.

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante, he also has specific training in social media management and direction, strategic planning and graphic design. Lately he has delved into the universe of generative artificial intelligence applied to journalism, but he swears and perjures that he does not use it professionally because, among other considerations, he continues to enjoy every word he writes after 20 years of experience in the communication sector.