Tag: drinks


Does the WHO really say that plant-based drinks are dangerous? | Nourish with science

In recent weeks, there have been news reports that “WHO warns of the risks of…

Does the WHO really say that plant-based drinks are dangerous? | Nourish with science

In recent weeks, there have been news reports that “WHO warns of the risks of…

The ‘black legend’ that harms milk and boosts plant-based drinks

Are we the only mammals that continue to drink milk after breastfeeding? “Yes, but we…

The 30 Best Foods and Drinks to Relieve a Hangover

Lean meats, some beverages, and various fruits and vegetables can help mitigate the symptoms of…

Are vegetable drinks a good alternative to dairy if we want to lose weight?

Dairy products have become the great enemy of weight loss. In fact, in recent years,…

10 healthy, hydrating and very delicious sugar-free drinks

When temperatures rise, Staying hydrated is not only a necessity but an obligation if you…