When temperatures rise, Staying hydrated is not only a necessity but an obligation if you do not want to suffer from heat stroke.. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends drinking between 2 and 2.5 liters of water per day to maintain proper hydration that helps our body withstand high temperatures. But be careful, that does not mean that now, at the gates of winter, we neglect this point. As indicated by the OCU “In winter, even if you don’t feel hot, your body needs water the same as in summer. Don’t forget to drink to maintain good hydration. It helps you to relieve dry skin and fluidize secretions that occur when we catch a cold.

The amount of water we talked about previously refers to the total liquids that we need to ensure in our body, but Our body is not only hydrated through the water we drink, but also through the food we eat.yes. For example, fruits and vegetables contain 90-95% water, yogurts 85%, fish 80-70% and eggs 75%. Speaking of fruits and vegetables, you can also have them in the form of cold smoothies or green smoothies that help you lose weight and gain health. Below we show you 10 healthy, hydrating and very delicious sugar-free drinks that will help you with this new purpose.

If we maintain a healthy and varied diet – eating a Mediterranean diet, for example – we can cover almost half of our daily hydration needs through food, only needing to drink between 4-6 additional glasses of water per day. But sometimes the heat even suppresses our hunger, so we must increase our fluid intake. And here we can resort, beyond water, to drinks that, in addition to hydrating us with carbon, provide us with energy and nutrients.

Healthy, hydrating and vegetable-free sugar-free drinks

Year after year, the Spanish Association of Vegetable Beverages and Foods wants to value the hydrating properties of plant-based drinks“which are the perfect ally to give a pleasant, healthy and sustainable flavor to our hydration habits,” they say from this association.

These drinks, as explained by the Spanish Association of Vegetable Beverages and Foods, “are Made from water and vegetable ingredients, they do not contain lactose or cholesterol.most are low in calories, have a high water content (up to 90%) and their components are easily assimilated and digestible.”

Vegetable drinks are a delicious and healthy option among the ten healthy, hydrating and very delicious sugar-free drinks that we propose below.

10 healthy, hydrating and very delicious sugar-free drinks

Here are 10 suggestions for healthy drinks without added sugar to maintain not only your hydration level, but also your energy and vitality.

1. YoSoy vegetable drinks

healthy drinks for summer

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    Are made with natural park water, without added sugars and without additives. You even have them with 0% sugar, with calcium and gluten-free. There are tons of flavors: oatmeal – do you know the benefits of having oatmeal for breakfast -, chocolate oatmeal, rice and coconut, oatmeal and nuts, almonds, organic, baristas… We love their Ice Pour Over Latte recipe, ideal to start the day. day with energy or replace it with afternoon coffee.

    2. Infused water

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    It is a wonderful option to drink water with the feeling of drinking a soft drink. With fruits, vegetables or aromatic herbs such as mint or peppermint, are a great option to hydrate and even cleanse the body. Fruit-infused waters are even healthier than juices (although you can make “smart juices”), they become “vitamin waters.”

    How long should you infuse flavored waters? Two hours at room temperature is enough (if you want more flavor, leave it overnight). Then You put it in the refrigerator or add ice and you have it a healthy, hydrating and very delicious sugar-free drink, as well as cheap. Refrigerated, they will last up to three days. On Amazon you can find a lot of infusion bottles ideal to take with you to the office, the beach or the pool.

    3. Raw Super Drink

    healthy drinks for summer

    Raw Super Drink

    It’s the first Organic isotonic drink with 0% added sugar and rich in vitamins. The brand was born in Asturias with the aim of offering a healthy drink to athletes and people concerned about their health. You have it in four flavors: lemon-lime, orange-mango, strawberry-mint and blueberry-açaí. The lemon-lime and orange-mango flavors are ideal for rehydrating after sportsand. Fernando Alonso, Aleix Espargaró and Willyrex, among others, are investors in this ecological hydration drink. You will find it in large stores.

    4. Flavored and detox iced tea

    healthy drinks for summer

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    Cold tea is another great option to hydrate in summer and, incidentally, load yourself with antioxidants -if it is green tea or matcha tea, for example- or help your body detoxify. In fact, if in summer you tend to retain fluids and bloat, cold, sugar-free and still drinks are ideal for you, such as cold tea with lemon.

    How to prepare it? Prepare the green tea you want, sweeten it with stevia, pour it into a jug or thermos with a sliced ​​lemon and put it in the refrigerator. Do you want to make a detox and fat burning plan? Try Tea Loves: These are teas to prepare hot or cold with which you can do a 28-day cure for body, skin and mind. They provide you with energy, eliminate toxins, increase lipolytic activity and combat fluid retention. Without a doubt, one of the most delicious and nutritious healthy drinks.

    5. Kombucha

    healthy drinks for summer


    Is a drink with many health benefits, especially for gut microbiota. As it is fermented, it has a little gas, making it perfect for replacing soft drinks or cocktails. In fact, there are some with a mojito or piña colada flavor, like those from Komvida.

    Kombucha hydrates you, provides live bacteria, vitamins and enzymes, revitalizes, detoxifies, improves digestion and the immune system, making it an ideal drink for any season of the year and after exercising (they call it the “yogi drink”). Kombucha naturally contains a small amount of sugar but you can also find 0% ones, like those from Miwi.

    6. Frozen lemonade

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    It is one of the healthy, hydrating and very delicious sugar-free drinks that is the star of summer and when temperatures are very high, since helps to cool off, regulate body temperature, and provides mineral salts and other nutrients. A must in your refrigerator!

    Lemonade is a very healthy drink as long as we make it without sugar, with a moderate amount or with sweetener. The ones that come prepared can be calorie bombs, so it’s best to make them at home. As easy as squeezing a couple of lemons and mixing with water, a little honey, stevia or agave syrup, and a touch of ginger if you like. AND If you have a bad stomach, you can prepare an alkaline lemonade with two lemons, a liter of water, 50 of brown sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and half of baking soda.

    If you need more inspiration, here we leave you 7 original lemonade recipes that are worth trying.

    7. Natural juices and smoothies

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    They are a great option to hydrate and recharge your vitamins, but as long as you make them at home or look for natural options without added sugars. You can make them in a blender with fruit and crushed ice, with vegetable drinks, mixing fruits and vegetables (apple, cucumber, celery, avocado, lime, red berries and beet…), add mint, ginger, mint… There are a thousand combinations. For example, watermelon and strawberry juice with crushed ice is delicious. Between hours, They are the ideal healthy snack and for breakfast, a good option to have fruit if you find it difficult. Juices and smoothies, of all colors, are also great allies for your beauty. And if you want to cleanse your body, we recommend these detox recipes.

    8. Fruit slushies

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    They are much lighter and easier to drink and make than fruit and vegetable juices. Ideal if the classic lemonade bores you and you want to use leftover ripe fruits. In fact, almost all summer fruits are ideal for making slushies. The recipe is the same as that of lemonade but replacing the lemon juice with watermelon juice, strawberries, peach, apricot, pineapple, melon, pomegranate… you can add mint, lavender, mint, lime, agave syrup or honey.

    9. Water with lemon on an empty stomach

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    Start the day by brushing your teeth to eliminate toxins from your mouth and drinking a glass of warm water It is great to start hydrating, cleansing and lubricating your body. If you also add half a squeezed lemon, you will be adding vitamins and minerals, helping your digestive system, boosting your immune system, balancing the pH of your body, improving the quality of your skin and helping to eliminate liquids. Take it and wait at least 30 minutes before having breakfast.

    10. Classic horchata and its variants

    healthy drinks for summer

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    It is another typical summer drink ideal for hydrating and loading up on interesting nutrients for the body. It is one of the Most natural healthy and hydrating sugar-free drinks that can be made with tigernuts, almonds or other nuts extracting the pulp. If you want to buy them already prepared, we recommend Amandín’s tigernut and almond horchatas, organic, lactose-free, vegan and without added sugar.