Much of the world’s population You have a vitamin D deficiency and don’t know it. In fact, it is estimated that in some regions of the world this figure reaches 72% while in Europe it is around 50%. A fact that highlights the importance of controlling its levels through analysis and putting in place the necessary mechanisms to alleviate this deficiency.

And we are talking about a micronutrient that is extremely complicated to incorporate through the diet in the recommended doses even though fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines, meats such as beef, egg yolk or fortified dairy products contain it. Hence the sun action remains key for it to be biologically functional.

However, it may very well be the case that we still have to resort to supplementation to guarantee that we have the levels necessary for the correct functioning of the body, since the Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in our health.

“The first thing to take into account when taking vitamin D is to know if we have a deficiency or not. Once we know our levels, that is when we can consider, always under the supervision of a health professional, resorting to supplements,” explains Roberto Oliver Bolívar, clinical nutritionist and expert in high-performance sports nutrition.

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“Normally, vitamin D deficiency is more associated with winter because there is less exposure to the sun, and it is a time when there are more viruses and resistant bacteria, so it is more necessary to improve our defenses. In other words, this micronutrient is the foreman of the immune system“Adds the expert, who nevertheless assures that its use is not strange also in the months with more light.

Thus, vitamin D is vital for the proper functioning of the immune system, but it is also involved in other equally relevant processes. “It helps balance and maintain bone health, promotes the recovery of muscle tissue, is essential for protein synthesis and therefore for the muscle development, and has antioxidant capacity by modulating external aging factors, such as free radicals. In addition, it is associated with cellular health and indirectly favors the generation of ATP, a molecule that provides energy to almost all metabolic processes,” explains Oliver.

What is the recommended dosage

Currently, the amount of vitamin D a person needs per day depends mainly on their age, although there are recent studies that advocate expanding the criteria. Thus, adults up to 70 years old need 600 IU and from that age onwards 800 IU is recommended. because the immune system is losing effectiveness and because some older people may have more difficulty exposing themselves to sunlight.

And if you wonder if a excess vitamin D can be harmful, Oliver assures that it is rare. “Normally there is no problem if it is taken in excess because the liver is capable of purifying it, but it is true that it is forced to work harder to eliminate it. This fact can generate some toxicity, but it is something very unusual,” he says.

How to make it more effective

In any case, it is not only necessary to know that you need to take more vitamin D, you also have to know how to take it and in this sense it is a mineral, magnesium, and a vitamin, K2, They are essential for its action to be effective.

MoriVeda Vegan vitamin D3 + K2 + magnesium

Vegan vitamin D3 + K2 + magnesium

“He magnesium It is vital for the different conversions of vitamin D, so that it works well. Hence, if you are exposed to the sun but your magnesium levels are low, we may not obtain all of its associated benefits. It is a cofactor of metabolic processes, such as calcium, in which it intervenes since it helps its correct absorption,” says Oliver. “And the vitamin K2 “It allows calcium to accumulate where it should and not where there is risk, such as in the arteries.”

Thus, in addition to being aware that a vitamin D deficiency implies certain health risks and prevents proper functioning of the body, it is necessary to take into account both the dose and the most efficient way to incorporate it through diet and supplements, although the best of all is still the sun.

Headshot of Álvaro Piqueras

Álvaro Piqueras is a sports expert and in the last five years he has specialized in fitness, nutrition and other health topics. Try to stay up to date with new research and trends in the fields you master to be able to rigorously share the training routine that can inspire a change in your habits, the properties of the foods that should be part of your diet or scientific findings that can improve the physical and mental well-being of people like you.

He began his career in local and regional media in the land of Don Quixote, specifically in Albacete. From there he made the leap to national media after an enriching time at a wonderful independent advertising agency named after a Beatles song (GettingBetter), although he always kept his journalistic vocation intact.

Hence, he pursued his dream of working for one of the main publishing groups in the country such as Prisa, Vocento and now also Hearst. Perhaps you have read him in the digital version of Diario As, addressing countless topics, or in ABC and other newspapers and magazines of the group, preparing branded content reports for large brands, multinationals and institutions. And if you haven’t had the chance, now is the time to do it at Men’s Health and Runner’s World.

As it could not be otherwise, he confesses to being a lover of sports and from a very young age he has tried disciplines as diverse as athletics, football, basketball, tennis, cycling or swimming. Sometimes he is feeling the adrenaline of the competition, and other times he is simply enjoying the benefits of physical activity. He has now taken up functional exercises and boxing because he is certain that the bag is incapable of hitting him back.

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante, he also has specific training in social media management and direction, strategic planning and graphic design. Lately he has delved into the universe of generative artificial intelligence applied to journalism, but he swears and perjures that he does not use it professionally because, among other considerations, he continues to enjoy every word he writes after 20 years of experience in the communication sector.

Headshot of Roberto Oliver Bolívar

Roberto Oliver Bolívar is a clinical and sports nutritionist, expert in high-performance sports nutrition. He has a diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Granada with Membership number AND-00694 and is a member of Doctoralia.

Some of the best athletes in the world parade through its clinics (Nutritrainlife), including Olympic medalists, world and European champions, from disciplines as different as sports gymnastics, trail running, or track athletics.

He is the author of the book ‘Nutritionally speaking’, where he expresses part of his philosophy, “It is impossible for an athlete to reach their highest level if they do not take into account that the most important thing is their health.”

With more than 13 years of experience in the sector, he has helped, together with his team, more than 6,000 patients around the world.

His experience as a Professor in different masters and courses led him to create his own nutrition, health and performance academy, Nutritrainacademy. He has given lectures at universities and high-level sporting events. He spreads nutrition and health on his social networks, where, despite starting late, his community does not stop growing and already has 20,000 followers on Instagram. He also has his own YouTube channel.

He has appeared on television, radio and in the press. In addition, he developed his own premium line of sports supplements, designed for the most demanding athletes. Among his latest projects, the creation of the innovative concept of healthy nutrition in one of the best wellness hotels in the world stands out.